Section 1+2 Timeline

By Walkerb
  • Re-making of trade with Japan

    Re-making of trade with Japan
    Commodore Matthew Perry enters Tokyo Bay, Japan to re-open trade with America
  • U.S. takes possession of Midway Islands

    U.S. takes possession of Midway Islands
    America takes control of the Midway Islands, a small area of islands in the Pacific, on their expansion mission of the Pacific Ocean
  • U.S. Buys Alaska

    U.S. Buys Alaska
    Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 Million for its rich resources of Timber and oil.
  • Treaty of Reciprocity

    Treaty of Reciprocity
    This treaty provided for the duty-free import of Hawaiian Agricultural products into the U.S.
  • Convincing of King Kalakaua

    Convincing of King Kalakaua
    American Planters convinced King Kalakaua of Hawaii to amend the Hawaiian constitution so voting rights were limited to only wealthy landowners.
  • Reciprocity Treaty Renewed

    Reciprocity Treaty Renewed
    The free-trade agreement made it tax-free for sugar to be sold to the U.S. market.
  • First International Pan-American Conference

    First International Pan-American Conference
    The conference was formed to preach the benefits of economic cooperation between American and Latin American countries.
  • Overthrowing of Hawaiian Queen

    Overthrowing of Hawaiian Queen
    American planters, angry with Queen Liliuokalani’s resentment of their plantations in Hawaii, overthrew her to keep their power.
  • Border Dispute

    Border Dispute
    Britain and U.S. had a dispute about the British Guianan and Venezuelan border. Britain was accused of violating the Monroe Doctrine. Britain backed off, tensions were reduced
  • Private Letter Published

    Private Letter Published
    The Journal published a private letter from Spain Ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lome talking disrespectfully of William Mckinley.
  • The USS Maine declared a mine attack

    The USS Maine declared a mine attack
    The board of congress concluded that a mine caused the destruction of the USS Maine
  • Mckinley requests permission to use force against Spain

    Mckinley requests permission to use force against Spain
    President Mckinley asks congress permission to use force against Spain to end fighting in Cuba
  • Outbreak of Span-American War

    Outbreak of Span-American War
    The official start of the war
  • George Dewey Storms Manila Bay

    George Dewey Storms Manila Bay
    Commodore Dewey leads an attack on Manila bay, destroying the fleet of ships stationed there.
  • U.S. Marines capture Guantanamo Bay

    U.S. Marines capture Guantanamo Bay
    A squadron of 17,000 American soldiers, led by General William Shafter, stormed ashore and captured the bay
  • The Acquiring of Hawaii

    The Acquiring of Hawaii
    Hawaii was proclaimed an official U.S. territory by Congress
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The official End of the Spanish American War, leaving the U.S. victorious
  • Forming of The American Anti-Imperialist League

    Forming of The American Anti-Imperialist League
    A large group of anti-imperialists came together and created a group made to condemn imperialism.
  • Interview with McKinley

    Interview with McKinley
    Mckinley promoted control of the Philippines and preached the idea that they need to be controlled and educated.
  • Jennings Bryan ran against Mckinley

    Jennings Bryan ran against Mckinley
    William Jennings Bryan ran against William Mckinley in the 1900 election. Though preaching more morally conscious ideas, Bryan lost by a landslide