Secret garden

Secret Garden- Book Report

  • Mary Comes to Yorkshire

    Mary Comes to Yorkshire
    Finally comes to a new place where she will be properly cared for.
  • Collector F.M. Davis of Chicago was Arrested

    Collector F.M. Davis of Chicago was Arrested
    He was arrested after bills of $100,000 of confederate money were found at his mail order business on Monroe street.
  • Mary finds out about the garden

    Mary finds out about the garden
    Mary hears about the Secret Garden and decides to investigate.
  • John Ruskin died

    John Ruskin died
    Died at the age of 80. Was a British Philosopher whos writings influenced the Victorian Era, from influenza during the London epidemic of 1900.
  • Mary meets Colin

    Mary meets Colin
    Mary hears Colin's cry's and wanders the corridors until she finds his room.
  • Fire in St. Louis

    Fire in St. Louis
    A fire in St. Louis caused a loss of $1,000,000 and killed at least one fireman. Charles Mappes died after a wall fell upon him. The fire started in the Penny and Gentles dry goods on Broadway and Franklin, then spread along both streets for three blocks.
  • Dickon brings Mary gardening tools

    Dickon brings Mary gardening tools
    Dickon brings Mary some gardening tools so she can work around in the soil in the Secret Garden, Dickon doesn't know this yet.
  • Thomas R. Board becomes United States Senator.

    Thomas R. Board becomes United States Senator.
    After a 13 day special session, the California Legislator voted Thomas R. Board to become the United States Senator, filling the seat which had been vacant since March 4, 1899. After the term of Stephen M. White had expired the California Legislator failed to fill the seat during its regular 1899 session. During 1899, four states (California, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Utah) had only one U.S senator a piece.
  • Mary shows Colin the Garden

    Mary shows Colin the Garden
    Mary and Dickon finally show Colin the garden.
  • African American inventor was issued a U.S. patent.

    African American inventor was issued a U.S. patent.
    J.F. Pickering was issued U.S. Patent No. 643,975 for the first dirigible powered by an electric motor, and the first to have directional control.
  • Colin starts to get better

    Colin starts to get better
    Colin starts eating more and sits up in bed
  • Bayern Munich was founded.

    Bayern Munich was founded.
    One of the most successful teams in German football soccer.
  • Colin gets out of his wheelchair

    Colin gets out of his wheelchair
    Colin wants to show Ben Weatherstaff that he isn't a spoiled kid. And that he isn't a cripple and he is capable of doing things that other kids do just the same.
  • Mr. Craven gets the funny feeling while hes away.

    Mr. Craven gets the funny feeling while hes away.
    While Colin Dickon and Mary are in the garden one day, Colin says that hes going to live forever. Mr. Craven is on a boat at the time and he gets this weird feeling that makes him really happy.
  • Dickon shows Colin and Mary the exercises.

    Dickon shows Colin and Mary the exercises.
    Dickon learns some exercises from a wrestler and he shows Colin and Mary.
  • Mr. Craven finds out that Colin is no longer sick

    Mr. Craven finds out that Colin is no longer sick
    Mr. craven comes home and finds Colin mary and dickon in the garden. They are all running around the garden.