Mussolini regime
Mussolini joined the italian socialist party. He supported the war and fascism. -
Fire in the Reichstag
Nazi started a fire and blamed the communist -
Period: to
Hitler´s regime
Individual freedoms and rights were abolished -
Spanish Civil war
Italy and Germany took part in it. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Italy -
The anti-cominterm pact
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact. This was a pact against communism and Russia. -
Invasion of China
Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 and China in 1937 -
The Munich conference
It convened by Hitler following protests by France, Great Britain and other powers over his policy of expansionism. It ended with the democracies accepting Hitler's promises to expand no further. -
Occupation of Austria
Germany occupied Austria -
Pact of Steel
The Rome-Berlin axis pact renewed -
Pact with Japan
Germany entered into the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan -
Hitler wished to avoid conflict, because he believed he would be unable to sustain a war on two fronts. The Soviets also wanted to avoid war until they were better prepared. The agreement also included secret clauses to divide up Poland and place Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania under Soviet control. -
Germany from Hitler expanded
Period: to
Occupies other regions
Period: to
Axies victories
German army invaded most of western Europe, Poland,North Africa -
Period: to
Axis expansion
Hitler expanded a lot of territories -
Invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland. World War II begins. -
Declaration of war to Germany
France and Great Britain declare war on Germany. -
Soviet territory
Soviet territory occupied in 1940 and later occupied by Germany -
Allies of Germany
Invasion of Denmark and Norway
Germany invades and takes control of Denmark and Norway -
Winston churchill, leader of England
Winston Churchill becomes leader of the British government -
Invasion of the USSR
Hitler attacked USSR -
Japanese attack
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour -
American victory at Midway
They stopped the Japanese -
Allied landings in North Africa
The allies landed in North Africa -
Period: to
Battle of The Stalingrad
Allies landing in Normandy
British and American forces defeated the German resistance and began advancing from the west -
Germany surrenders
Attomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The atttomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and aprox 150000 people died