• The League of Nations

    An organistaion created by several European countries to solve conflicts and maintain peace.
  • Versailles Treaty

    This treaty was created after the First World War. It caused crisis in Germany because they had to pay a lot of damages of the war. This was used by Hitler to make German people believe in him.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan leaves the League of Nations to conquer China
  • Hitler wins the elections

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • Italy conquers Abyssinia

    Mussolini invaded Abyssinia and then left the League of Nations.
  • Spanish Civil War begins

    Italy and Germany take part in the Spanish Civil War by giving them troops, tanks and planes and to test them out.
  • Remilitarisation of Rhineland

    Hitler violates the terms in the Treaty of Versailles by militarising Rhinelmad
  • Rome-Berlin-Axis

    Germany and Italy cretae a pact
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Alliance

  • Germany militarises Rineland

  • Germany occupìes Austria

    Hitler used military forces to occupy Austria
  • Munich Conference

  • Pact of Steel

  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

  • Start of Axis victories

  • Nazis invade Poland

  • Hitler invades most of Eastern Europe

  • End of Axis victories

  • Operation Barbarossa

  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

  • Yugoslavia and Greece fall

  • Start of Allied offensives

  • Americans start reconquering occupied territories

  • Germans assault Stalingrad

  • D-Day

  • End of the war

  • Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • The Germans surrender

  • Japan surrenders and the Americnas win the Pacific War