• Manchuria is occupied by Japan

    Manchuria is occupied by Japan
  • Italy took possesion of Ethiopia

  • Italy took possesion of Albania

  • Violation of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland.
  • Anti-Cominten Pact

    Germany entered this pact with Japan. France and Great Britain until than had remained uninvolved. However, when Hitler seized the Danzing Corridor in 1939, France and Great Britain pledged Poland their military support if necessary.
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Italy and Germany took part supplying the insurgent forces with soldiers and weapons. France and Great Britain didn't get involved.
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    Pact of Steel

    In 1936 Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with italy. In 1939 it was renamed under the name Pact of Steel.
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    Anti-Cominten Pact

    France and Great Britain until than had remained uninvolved. However, when Hitler seized the Danzing Corridor in 1939, France and Great Britain pledged Poland their military support if necessary.
  • China is invaded by Japan

  • Munich Conference

    This conference was convened by Hitler following protest by France, Great Britain and other powers over his policy of expansionism.
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    March 1938

    Germany used military force to occupy Austria. in September they demanded Czechoslovakia hand over Sudetenland.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    To prevent the USSR from joining forces with France and Great Britain and helping Poland, Hitler signed this pact with Stalin, after which he began the invasion of Poland.