Germany invaded Poland
On this day in 1939, German forces bombard Poland on land and from the air, as Adolf Hitler seeks to regain lost territory and ultimately rule Poland. World War II had begun. -
Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
In 1939, the Allied Forces of Great Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand responded to Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland by declaring war. Two days before war was declared, German forces had bombed Polish cities and towns, killing and injuring thousands. After the Germans failed to meet a deadline set by The Allies to retreat from Poland, -
germany reach warsaw
It began with huge aerial bombardments by the Luftwaffe starting on September 1, 1939. Land fighting started on September 8, when the first German armored units reached the Wola area and south-western suburbs of the city. Despite German radio broadcasts claiming to have captured Warsaw, the attack was stopped and soon afterwards Warsaw was placed under siege. -
germani invade france
The campaign against the Netherlands and France lasted less than six weeks. Germany attacked the West on May 10, 1940. -
sovietic union forced romania to yield teritory
The Soviet Union forces Romania to yield the oriental province of Bessarabia and Bucovina's north half to the Soviet Ukraine. -
germany invade urss
The Germany Nazi and his partners of the Axis (except Bulgaria) invade the Soviet Union. Finland, which was seeking to indemnify the territorial losses of the armistice that concluded the Winter war, joins the Axis just before the invasion. -
japan invade pearl harbour
The assault to Pearl Harbor went surprise military assault carried out by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, in the territory of The Hawaii's United States, in the morning of December 07, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The assault provoked the entry of The United States in the Second World war. -
wannesse conference
Wannsee's conference, in Berlin, where is decided the " final solution ", the extermination of the Jews. -
soviets win in stalingrado
Soviet victory in Stalingrado. More than 100.000 German prisoners. -
battle of krusk
Kursk's battle, also Operation called Citadel, gives name to a series of armed shocks that took place between July and August, 1943 in the region of the same name in Russia in the context of the Second World war. In her, the troops of the German army would do the last offensive effort in the front of this, grouping the thickness of his armoured forces and his more modern weapon, happening for the most powerful units and his personal details more prestigious, facing troops of the Red Army of the -
Disembarkation allied in Normandy,
Disembarkation allied in Normandy, followed of the battle of Normandy and the liberation of Paris, on August 25 -
I land of normandia
La batalla de Normandía, llamada en clave Operación Overlord, fue la operación militar lanzada por los Aliados que culminó en la exitosa invasión de la Europa Occidental ocupada por la Alemania nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial -
mussolini dead
los resistentes ejecutan a Mussolini, aliado de Hitler. Este último se suicida el 30. -
dead of hitler
He commits suicide -
Germany comes to terms after the capture of Berlin.
Stalin's attempt of taking Berlin ahead of his allies in 1945, drove to the death of 70.000 Russian soldiers. Tilman Remme he was still a historian Antony Beevor while it was examining the conduct of the conquering army, and discovered evidence of which it might explain why the Soviet leader took such risks. -
atomic bombardment
Atomic bombardment of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on order of the new American president, Harry Truman. Japan comes to terms on September 2. -
The surrender of the Empire of Japa
the Imperial Japanese Navy was incapable of conducting major operations and an Allied invasion of Japan was imminent.