Evacuation at Dunkirk
On May 26,1940, Germany attacked Dunkirk which was the port town of France. The Allies left Dunkirk because they would of been captured by the Germans if they stayed in Dunkirk. The British navy gathered boats that were able to sail off across English Channel for Dunkirk. However, German's Luftwaffe bombed the port of Dunkirk. The evacuation began on may 26 and ended on june 4. As a result, 340 000 Allied soldiers were sent to Britain for safety and Dunkirk (France) is in the hands of Germans. -
North-African campaign
Desert War was Germans three years campaign in North Africa. Germans looked for valuable resources and positions. British invaded libya (an Italian colony). Italy then invaded Egypt, in return. The Axis had to control the Mediterranean two access points:the strait of gibraltar and the seuz canal. These helped the axis armies to the oil-rich. British commonwealth destroyed Italian army. Next three years neither won. In 1943 the allies won. Allied forces then planed to invade Sicily and Italy. -
Battle of Britain
Hitler introduced "Operation sea lion," he planed to invade Britain after France fell. In order to cross the English Channel, the German forces had to defeat the (RAF). On august 24,Germans bombed many areas of London.In return,the (RAF) bombed Berlin. Hitler then ordered to attack london as well as british cities. "the blitz" was the name of these raids.Germans had more aircraft than britian,but british used spitfires and hurricanes which defeated Grmans. Hitler gave up! 23 000 people died. -
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler introduced "Operation Babarossa," after they were defeated by Britain. Hitler thought Soviet Union will make his empire bigger with it's great sources. Hitler's troops reached Moscow and leningrad, but the German troops were equiped poorly. However, they failed even when they tried the second time because of cold weather and reached Stalingrad. 300 000 casualties and German army surrendered in 1941. So, then the Soviets joint allies side for more power. -
The Dieppe Raid
Joseph Stalin, who was the leader of the Soviet Union, instructed Allies invade Europe from the west to weaken and force German on two front. They failed on their new techniques and equipments. They attacked by four pre-dawn attack to Dieppe. Ships, tank and air force were there to protect the troops. Unfortunately, on the way to Dieppe, the German convoy appeared which lead them to sea battle. The Germans noticed and shooted troops with machine gun. Tanks did't move becsuse of sand, disaster!! -
Battle of Sicily and Battle of Ortona
Allies then invaded Sicily which turned out that there was 240 (km) of mountainous terrain and the lose of 562 soldiers. However, the Alies captured Sicily in only 38 days. Mussolini downfalled and the government surrendered. After the victory happened, the allies invaded Ortona, but they were told to capture other Itallian villages before Ortona. Allies troops had to fight house to house. Finally, they captures Ortona on December 28,1943. Many soldiers were dead about 6000 of them. -
D-Day: The Normandy invasion
On D-Day, the Allies introduced "Operation Overlord" which meant to avoid the disasters and rehearsed a plan in tinny pieces. They divided the troops in five beaches that were named Sword, JUNO, Gold, Omaha and Utah. The troops were well armed, also communication was good, there were naval supports and etc. The allies kept thier plan from Germans which it contributed the Allies. And the most important, the weather was stormy which fooled the Germans and gave the allies a better chance to win. -
Juno Beach
Canadian soldiers, about 14 000, arrived at the beach Juno. This was there first attack to germans defence. They had to pass the the defence even though there were concrete barriers, barbed wire and land mines. However, canadian soldiers made till nine (km). As usual many soldiers died, about 359 dead and 715 wounded. They were successful. -
Battle of the Scheldt
The Allies fought voilently to expand their territory before they invade France and Belgium toward Germany. 11-month campaign was horrible such as the Dieppe raid which lead them to a massive casualty. Canadians had to clear all the enemy troops from Scheldt, which connected Antwerp to North sea, in to belgium. The river and the access to the sea was controlled by Germans and Antwerp was liberated by the Allies. Finally, the Canadian won. They brought supplies to fight the Germans next. -
Battle of the Rhineland and Liberating Netherlands
The Allies counting with 175 000 Canadians drove the Germans to Rhine river and out of Netherland. The mud slowed soldiers and many soldier died, about 23 000 Allied soldiers and 52 000 Canadians. Germany army left to Rineland and Canadian continued to liberate Holland. Canadians had to liberate Netherland. Allied failed to free holland, so Germany destroyed Amsterdam and Rotterdam cities. Dutch starved to death because food and fuel had been cut off. Also, winter made conditions even worser.