
Second World War

  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    The Second World began when Germany invaded Poland
  • French and British goverments declared war on Germany

    French and British goverments declared war on Germany
    The French and British could do very little to stop a German victory in Poland
  • Soviet forces crossed the Polish frontier and took control of part of Estaern Poland

    Soviet forces crossed the Polish frontier and took control of part of Estaern Poland
    This was part of the deal Hitler had struck with Stalin before the war in the Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • Stars of the "Phoney War"

    Stars of the "Phoney War"
    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgeadd_early-stages-of-wwii-and-the-phoney-war_techThe was a little fighting between Britain,France and Germany
  • Winston Churchill came to power in Britain

    Winston Churchill came to power in Britain
    In April 1940 the French and the British startded mining Norwegain waters to stop the trade in oren ore. Germany responded by invading Norway and Denmark. The fall of Finland, Norway anda Denmark led to a political crisis in Britain anda France. Both primer ministers were forced to resing. In Britain Churchill came to power.
  • Mussolini joined forces with Germany

    Mussolini joined forces with Germany
    Sensing that the war was nearly Mussolini joined forces with Germany
  • Germany invaded URSS

    Germany invaded URSS
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union in an operation knwon to the German leaaders as Barbarosa
  • Japan went to war against USA

    Japan went to war against USA
    While the battle of Moscow raged, the most powerful country in the world, the USA, become involved in the war. Japanese went to war against USA with a surprise atack on the US naval base of Peal Harbor
  • Germany renewed the atack on the URSS

    Germany renewed the atack on the URSS
    The concentrated thei forcesin the south and tried to capture the southern city of Stalingard
  • Situation of Africa

    Situation of Africa
    By May 1943 the Germans and Italians had been completely driven out of north Africa
  • British and America forces landed in Italy

    British and America forces landed in Italy
    The Germans put up sitff resistance to the liberation of Italy
  • Germany abandoned the siege of Leningrad

    Germany abandoned the siege of Leningrad
    Wich had been going for two years. By the summer of 1944 the Germans were in retreat across the Sovier Union.
  • France was invaded by the Allies

    France was invaded by the Allies
    This was knwon as "D Day"
  • British and Amercian forces had reached Paris

    British and Amercian forces had reached Paris
    By 25 August British and Amercian forcer had reached Paris
  • Germany attack Belgium

    Germany attack Belgium
    Germans launched a counter-attack in December 1944 in the Ardennes area of Belgium. After some early succes the German attack was turned back
  • War continued againts Japan

    War continued againts Japan
    The Germans forces finally surrendered on 8 May but war continued against Japan.
  • Two attomic bomb were dropped in Japan

    Two attomic bomb were dropped in Japan
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjqxegu2n8kIn August 1945 two atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Second World War over

     Second World War over
    The desvastation caused by theses bombs forced the Japanese goverments to surrender on 14 August 1945. The Second World War was over