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Alfonso XIII tried to restore normal constitutional order
Monarchy had been damaged by its association with the dictatorship -
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The pact of San Sebastian
Republicans and socialists pact in San Sebastian to Overthrow yhe Monarchy. They formed a Revolutionary Committee to co-ordinate the opposition -
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Municipal elections
The new constitutional government called the first free elections since Primo de Rivera's coup in 1921. All the people understands that like a referendum on the Monarchy -
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The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic 14 April
The Republic was proclaimed. Then the Revolutionary Committee becomes the Provisional Republican Government. -
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The 1931 constitution
In june the Constituent Assembly elections were held to choose the drafters of the new Republican Constitution. The left parties were PSOE and PRR. -
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Reformist Biennium
Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña was named president of the government.
In 1932 General Sanjuro tried to stop the reform but failed.
In 1933 there was an anarchist revolt in Casas Viejas that was represed by the Azaña's government. -
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The black biennium
Ther was an elections in November 1933. CEDA and PRR won the elections. Alejandro Lerroux (PRR).
They were a revolution in October of 1934, in which they started with strikers movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisation. -
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The Popular Front
They stabilished new elections on February 1936. The left wing parties pacted to be one party and they called Popular Front, they defended the the right to amnesty for the political prisioners.
Support for the radical right parties grew. they were represented by the Bloque Nacional and the Falange Española. The popular front won the elections of 1936.