Spanish Civil war

  • The Start of the Civil war after the failed military coup

    The Start of the Civil war after the failed military coup
    The assassinations of Lieutenant Castillo and Calvo Sotelo, both of them leaders of opposite sides, triggered a military coup that was being formed. General Emilio Mola was in charge of the rebellion under the leadership of Sanjuro who had failed in his coup just 4 years ago. On the evening of July, 17, the rebel soldiers began their coup by taking over the garrisons in Ceuta, Melilla, and Tetuán.
  • General Francisco Franco declares the state of war

    General Francisco Franco declares the state of war
    Cádiz, cordoba and Sevilla are controlled by the rebels.
    In the north, the coup is supported by military troops in Pamplona, Burgos, and Valladolid.
  • The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona, The east coast and País Vasco remain loyal to the government

    The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona, The east coast and País Vasco remain loyal to the government
  • The Spanish polulation becomes divided

    Spain beame divided after the coup in two factions that would fight against each other in the Civil War: the Nationalists(rebels) and the Republicans(Loyalists). The Nationalists had the support of one-third of the country in the northwest, western and central areas and had managed to resist in isolated zones like Granada or Seville. On the other hand, the Republican side had control of industrial centers like Madrid and Barcelona. Their provisional army was made up of inexperienced soldiers.
  • Non-intervention Agreement

    Non-intervention Agreement
    When European democracies (France and Britain) get a hold of the situation in Spain, they warned all counties not to take part in this civil war. On August 1, 27 European countries signed this agreement. Instead of following the Agreement, Germany and Italy quickly supported the Nationalists to prevent Communism. On the other hand, the Soviet Union quickly intervened in support of the Republicans, but this support was seen reduced because of German and Italian intervention
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    African troops are airlifted from Africa to Sevilla

    With the help of Hitler and Mussolini, Franco is able to carry some of his troops with airplanes to Sevilla, one of the Nationalist's isolated enclaves.
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    Objective Madrid

    General Franco leads the airlifted troops in the south whie General Emilio Mola leads a campaign in the North. Francoist troops are able to reach Badajoz and take the Tajo Valley while Mola's troops are able to take Gipuzkoa, therefore blocking the republicans the French Border.
  • Victory in Toledo

    Victory in Toledo
    After Franco´s troops take Badajoz, they march towards Toledo where Nationalist soldiers are holding back a republican offensive. Franco`s troops achieve a symbolic victory
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    Battle for Madrid

    After the victory in Toledo, Nationalist troops arrive at the capital in the beginning of September. Ijnternational support aids the republicans and, after being able to evacuate the city towards Valencia, they are able to hold off the Nationalist soldiers. Therefore, they besiege Madrid for the rest of the war.
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    The Northern Front

    The Gernika bombings help the Nationalists take over Bizcaia. En though the Republicans try out a major offensive in Aragón to stop the Nationalists, they are still able to take over strategic industrial areas like Asturias and Cantabria.
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    The Battle of Teruel

    This is the bloodiest period in the Spanish Civil War. Nationalists gain a strategic victory that allows them to cut through to the Mediterranean Sea. This way, the nationalist advance divides the Republican zone in two.
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    The Battle of the Ebro

    The Republican government launches a major offensive to reconnect their territory. The offensive fails and Franco deploys a full-out attack on Cataluña.
  • The take of Barcelona

    During the offensive of the Nationalists to take over Cataluña, they reach Barcelona and take it. This leaves the Republicans with only a few major strongholds in Valencia and Madrid.
  • Civil War within the Republicans

    There is a plot within the republican army that causes the government in Valencia to fall. A National Council of Defense is formed to negotiate peace with Franco but he only accepts an unconditional surrender. Juan Negrín, the president, flees to France.
  • The Nationalists occupy Madrid

  • Franco proclaims victory after the Nationalists ocuppy Madrid

    Franco proclaims victory after the Nationalists ocuppy Madrid