The constitution
the constituent assembly elections were held tochoose the drafters of the new republican constitution described later as a progresive , democratic and left-wing constitution. -
Municipal elections
first free elections since primo de rivera (1921), this elections were a referendum on the monarchy. AlfonsoXIII leave the country -
the proclamation of the second Spanish Republic
the second republic is proclamed and this same day the revolutionary commitee becomes the provisional republican goverment of the second spanish revolution -
Reformist biennium
niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the republic and Manuel Azaña was named president of the goverment , they make ambitius reforms in the country -
The black biennium
the elections of 1933 was the first time that the women could vote , the CEDA and the PRR won the elections . Alejandro Lerroux (PPR)was in charge of forming the goverment with the suport of the CEDA -
revolution of octover
it was a movement of the nationalist , anarchist and comunist organisations , the most importants uprisings were in cataluña and asturias -
popular front
new elections on february , the left-wing parties joined together to form the popular front coalition , they defended the right to amnesty for the political prisioners held since the revolution of 1934 and pushed the social reforms begun in 1931
the right-wing parties grew represented by the bloque nacional led by calvo sotelo and falange española
the popular front won the elections but the votes results were split between the right and the left parties -
civil war causes
the atmosphere in the street was worrying , assassinations and church arson , lieutenant castillo was assassinated by the rigtht party and the next day calvo sotelo was assassinated like his revenge .
this cause that the right-wing triggered a coup ,José sanjurjo was the leadership . -
civil war
rebel soldiers in the spanish protectorate of morroco seizad control of their garrisons in ceuta , malilla and tetuán , in a few days the civil war started