As10937 0

Second Spanish Republic

  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    The Republicans and the Socialists met in San Sebastian and agreed to expel the monarchy and establish a democratic republican regime. They created the Revolutionary Committee to lead the opposition.
  • Municipal elections

    Municipal elections
    The new constitutional government, which was elected by the king, calls the first free elections since the coup of Primo de Rivera in 1921. The elections were municipal, but everyone understands that they are a referendum on the monarchy.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The Republic is proclaimed. On that same day the Revolutionary Commite becomes the Provisional Republican Goverment.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was the president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña was the president of the goverment.
    Azaña´s new cabinet introduced a variety of ambitious reforms:
    + The Statue of Autonomy for Cataluña was passed
    + The subordination of the army
    + The Jesuits were expelled
    + The Agrarian reform
    In 1932, General Sanjuro´s coup to stop the reform failed
    In 1933, anarchist labourers occupied the land in Casas Viejas (Cadiz)
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The winners were the parties of the provisional government: Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) and Partido Republicano Radical (PRR)
    The Constitution includes:
    + Democratic and progressive features:
    - Popular sovereignty
    - The division of powers was guaranteed
    - Declaration of civil rights
    - Declaration of collective rights
    + Secularism:
    There was no longer an official state religion.
    + Regionalism
    Statutes of Autonomy
    + Social Economy
    Article 1 declared the state
  • Period: to

    The black biennium,

    Elections were held in 19 of November of 1933. Is the first time women coud vote. The winners were CEDA and Partido Republicano Radical (PRR). Alejandro Lerroux (PRR) was in charge of forming the goverment. Some leaders of PSOE feared CEDA.
    The Revolution of October 1934
    It was a strikers movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist.
    + Cataluña declared the independent.
    + In Asturias the miners staged an armed revolt.
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    New elections were called for February. The left-wing parties joined together to form the Popular Front. The Popular Front won the elections of 1936 with an absolute parliamentary majority, almost 60%. The right-wing have 45,6% of votes and the left-wing parties have 47,1% of votes. Parliament replaced Zamora with Azaña as President of the Republic. Santiago Casares Quiroga was appointed as head of the goverment. Casares Quiroga transfered some generals to distant points.
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    The atmospherre was very tense in parliament, but the street conflicts were more between political groups with assassinations and church arson. On 12 July, Lieutenant Castillo, a member of the goverment´s assault guards and a socialist sympathiser, was murdered by rigth-wing murdered. On 17 July starts the war between the two fronts.