Segunda republica

Second republic timeline

By Galga
  • San Sebastian pact

    San Sebastian pact
    It was a pact made by the republican parties when they talked about how to overthrow the monarchy by creating the "Revolutionary Committee" and when trying to go on a general strike, many were arrested.
  • Municipal elections.

    Municipal elections.
    These were called the "first free elections" since Primo de Rivera's coup in 1921, although the elections were municipal, they were taken as a referendum in the monarchy, and although Alfonso XIII won, he had to go into exile since he lost in the main cities.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.

    14 of April of 1931 The Second Spanish Republic is instaured whit a Provisional Republican Government . A few months later it will be not provisional.
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    Reformist biennium

    This was a period in which Nieto Alcalá Zamora(PRR) and Manuel Azaña ruled and they make 4 reforms: The Statute of Autonomy for Cataluña was passed,the subordination of the army, the jesuits were expelled and last they make the agrarian reform in which the wanted to relieve the suffering of landless.
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    The second republic was elected definitely in the 28 of june of 1931, in witch the PSOE and the PRR won. In the 31' Constitution they changed a few things: They added the popular sovereignty, wicth mean that also the women con vote,they guaranteed the division of powers, they make the declaration of the civil rigths, that mean that you can divorce, and make civil weddings. And at last they make the declaration of collective rights for education, work and health.
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    The black biennium

    In this part the left-wing was too dividen and the rigth-wing used that to win the elections held that year,they unificated in CEDA(Confederacion Española de Derechas Autonomas),CEDA and PRR won the elections and some leaders of PSOE start to think that they were fascist so they make a strike that became a revolution that affected Cataluña and Asturias in Catalucha they became independent and they were arrested and in Asturias the miners start a armed revolution, in both cases the army supressed
  • The Popular Front

    In the new elections of 1936 all the left-wing parties join in the Popular Front with republicans, socialists and communists, in the other side the Falange Española and the Bloque Nacional grew up, in the elctions the rigth-wing got a 45.6 and the left-wing got a 47.1 so Azaña became president of the republic, after that the elections will be a military conspirancy and Emilio Mola will go to Pamplona and Francisco FRanco to Canary Islands.