1200px flag of spain (1931–1939).svg

Second Republic.

  • Pact of San Sebastián.

    Pact of San Sebastián.
    Agreement to overtrhow the monarchy led by Republicans and socialist. Creation of the Revolutionary Committee to co-ordinate the oposition. Failment of a military rising that finished with some members arrested.
  • A new Constitution.

    A new Constitution.
    Election to choose the drafters of the new Republican Constitution. PSOE and PRR were the victor parties. Significant changes: popular sovereignty, division of powers, declaration of civil and collective rights, non-official state religion, statues of autonomy were acknowledge and "Democratic Republic of all workers of every class".
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium.

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña president of the government.
    Azaña´s cabinet introduced reforms:
    - Statue of Autonomy of Cataluña was passed.
    - Subordination of the army.
    - The Jesuits were expelled.
    - The agrarian reform.
    In 1932 there is a failure of a coup d´ etat made by General Sanjuro.
    The anarchists occupied the land in Casas Viejas in 1933.
  • Municipal Elections.

    Municipal Elections.
    First free elections after Primo de Rivera´s coup in 1921 chosen by the king. Monarchist´s win but Republicans got more social support. This lead Alfonso XIII to leave the country.
  • Proclamation of the Second Republic.

    Proclamation of the Second Republic.
    Also, the Revolutionary Committee becomes the Provisional Government.
  • Period: to

    Black biennium

    New elections in November 1933.
    First time women could vote. The left-wing were more divided than ever. Anarchist encourage not to vote CEDA.
    However, CEDA won the elections along with PRR. Alejandro Lerroux (PRR) managed, with the support of CEDA, to reverse the reforms.
    Some leaders of PSOE feared that fascisms was being resembled by CEDA.
  • Revolution of October.

    Revolution of October.
    Strikers´ movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisations. Some important uprisings:
    -Cataluña became independent. In response, the Generalitat was dissolved and rhe president arrested.
    -Armed revolt of miners in Asturias. Put down by the army.
    -Corruption escandal forced Lerroux to resign.
  • The Popular Front.

    The Popular Front.
    Another elections in 1936.
    Left-wing parties joined together and form the Popular Front. It defended its right to amnesty for the political prisioners and pushed the social reforms.
    In the other hand, the support of the right-wing parties grew. Were represented by Bloque Nacional, led by José Calvo Sotelo, and Falange, founded by the son of the dictator Primo de Rivera( José Antonio Primo de Rivera).
    Popular Front won the elections but there was a political split.
    Azaña and Zamora were replaced.
  • The start of the Civil War.

    The start of the Civil War.
    Street violence suchs as assesinations and church arson. Lieutenant Castillo was murdered by a right-win gunmen. In revenge, left-wing friends of Castillo kidnaped and killed Calvo Sotelo the following day.
    This provoked a military coup led by General Emilio Mola. This was supported by several groups like Carlists and Falange.
    On 17 July, revel soldiers seized control on Ceuta, Melilla and Tetuán. The Civil War had just started.