Second Industrial Revolution

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    Edouard Bernstein

    Marxist - made Revionist Socialism
    Said workers should work WITHIN the system to get their stuff
  • Bayer discovers Aspirin

  • Alfred Nobel discovers Dynamite

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    Second Industrial Revolution

    Material: steel (Bessemer process made mass production possible)
    Chemicals: Medicals, explosives, fertilizers
    Electrical: Power, factory, telephone, radio
    Gasoline and oil, too
  • Bell makes a Telephone

  • First Berlin Conference

    Helped solve conflicts in the Balkans Germany doesn't want Austria-Hungary and Russia to have the warm water port
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    Jules Ferry as French Prime Minister

    Dealt with monarchist vs republics, Catholics vs. secular, etc.
  • Second Berlin Conference

    Helped solved colonial dispute in Africa
  • Otto von Bismarck Quits

    Kaiser Wilhelm II said he was gonna do his own thing, Bismarck said I'll quit, Wilhelm said k
  • Marconi discovered Radio

  • Wright Brothers have First Airplane Flight

    Bet they got high
  • 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State

    Established a secular republic
    Equality in divorce
    Everyone subject to the military draft
    "J'accuse" letter