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Sec 4 History

  • Oct 6, 1541

    Jaques Carter's claim for land for the king of France

    Jaques Carter's claim for land for the king of France
    Population and Settlement:
    After two voyages, Jaques Cartier tried one last voyage, attempted to set up a colony. It was unsuccessful and France lost interest for him for 60 yrs.
  • King Louis the 14th

    King Louis the 14th
    King Louis took control of France for himself. His two objectives were:
    1. Settle Wars in Europe.
    2. Take command of his colonies.
    With this, he had a lot of power.
  • The Population of New France

    The Population of New France
    Population and Settlement:
    New France was not developping so once the king took power, he decided to put intendent Jean Talon in charge to encourage settlement. Jean Talon decided to take orphan girls (Filles du Roi) from the streets of France to bring to N.F to get married right away and start families. Couples who were married young, were given payments but the fathers of unmarried girls and bachelors over 21, paid fines. From that, the population had increased to 3,000 ppl from 1663.
  • The Royal Goverment

    The Royal Goverment
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    The Royal Goverment is made up of:
    1. The Governer (higest rank)
    2. Minister of Marine
    3. Intendant
    4. Bishop
    5. Captain of Militia
    These were all different powers in the Royal Goverment.
  • The Fur Trade

    The Fur Trade
    Economy and Developpent:
    At first, the main export back to France was fish. That was quickly replaced by furs because they believed that biever pelt was perfect for making felt hats. The voyagers would paddle in canoes and bring back furs to Montreal.
  • Religion in New France

    Religion in New France
    Culture and Currents of Thought:
    The clergy was everywhere:
    -Priests were incharge of parishes and working as missionaires.
    -Nuns were working in hospitals and schools.
    Potential priests were trained in seminary where the brightest boys were sent. To make all this happen, money came from tithe ( Church Tax). Most of the people were very religious.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    This war went on between the English and te French for 7 years. The English took power and didnt stand a chance to loose against them. They won and any remaining troops retreat to Montreal where they will give up. The English had lots of power.
  • Self Dependent Settlers

    Self Dependent Settlers
    Economy and Developpment:
    Because New France wasn't really developping, settlers became self dependent. These settlers had to work every day; caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools and preparing for winter.
  • British Stepping on the Americans

    British Stepping on the Americans
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    The British were unhappy with the 13 colonies so the British wanted to place strict control on trade and income taxes. The British stepped on the Americans.
    - The King felt that the Americans should pay the cost of war.
    - Stamp Act---> Tax only on American.
    - Declaratory Act---> The King should pass laws on the 13 colonies.
    - Townshed Act---> Duties on glass, paints, paper and tea.
  • What Happend Before the Quebec Act

    What Happend Before the Quebec Act
    Population and Settlement:
    No one was happy in the Province of Quebec so, Guy Carleton quickly adopted the same attitude as the first governer. He will populate the colony by the Canadian Race. With this, the people will be happy and Guy can gain their loyalty.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    The Quebec Act was created in 1174 and consisted of:
    - Guarantees French Canadian loyalty.
    - Enlarges the area of Quebec.
    - French civil laws were installed. ect..
    This was adopted by Guy Carleton in which with this Quebec Act, acted as a lot of power.
  • The Settlements of the Loyalists

    The Settlements of the Loyalists
    Population and Settlement:
    -36,000 loyalists came to Canada (Maritimes).
    - 6,000 loyalists came to Quebec (Montreal).
    These loyalists settled according to the Township system and had to give their settlements English names. After this, the English population had a sudden increase. (1%--->10%)
  • Protestant and Catholic

    Protestant and Catholic
    Culture and Current of Thoughts:
    The English and the French had different religions. The English were Protestant. The French were Catholic. With their different religions and beliefs later on leads to direct conflict and being enemies.