Founding of Cambridge University
This was among the earliest creations of higher education that shaped our society. The very foundation of Cambridge University became a cornerstone for many western institutions, particularly those in the United States -
University of Naples is founded
Among the oldest institutions in Europe, University of Naples is certainly among the top universities to carry such title. -
University of Toulouse
Consequence of the Treaty of Paris. The Dominican order was the main authority in providing the educational setting. -
Bubonic Plague
A disease epidemic that nearly wiped out almost half of the population of Europe. -
Columbus "Discovers" America
Columbus set sails to the Atlantic and becomes the first European to discover America. This set the foundation for many western style life style, including the current day higher education. -
Harvard University Founded
Harvard University is the oldest University in the United States. It set the foundation for majority of the higher education systems in the US and provided leaders that built up the nation -
Founding of Yale University
Yale University was founded to initially to educate congregational ministers, which gradually changed to providing secular education. -
University of Pennsylvania is found
Founded as College of Philadelphia, the institution was among the earliest places of higher education that was also founded to provide charity. -
Founding of Columbia University
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
By signing the Declaration of Independence, the American colonists declare a separate state from the British Crown. Although this was the case, American Universities remained with European influences, but also paved a way for its citizens gradually to receive higher education as Americans. -
University of Virginia is found
This university produced some of the top leaders of the US, including Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, and became an enhancing force behind the promotion of higher education in the US -
Dartmouth Vs. Woodward
This case created a working balance of the private and the state institution on how they could operate in terms of affecting their daily operation. -
Agricultural School
As part of the Morrill Act, the Michigan State University created agricultural school to meet the needs of the vast agricultural needs and presence in the country. -
Civil War breaks out
Civil War breaks out, which results in end of Slavery that paved the way for African Americans to gradually take part in society as free and equal people. -
Morrill Act
Provided land for the building of College and universities. This became a road for institutions of higher education to physically expand to its growing needs. -
Era of Reconstruction
This era was a time that involved rebuilding of the country, especially moving away from the iniquities of slavery and building a new economy and national structure. -
Founding of American University
Primalrily started as a Methodist institution, American University was among many institutions that traced its roots to the church teachings and later became secular -
World War I Breaks out
This war changed the world. It ended the imperial structures of many european countries and members of US higher education participated in this war, as the US stepped away from being isolated from the world. -
SAT comes into existence
initially started as an Army aptitude test, it was later used to implement acceptance of individuals into higher education institutions -
US enters WWII
When WWII breaks out, it was a time where majority of young men from the US started to participate, which led to many of them having the opportunity to take part in higher education. (GI Bill) -
GI Bill introduced
This bill allowed those who served their country in the armed forces to receive education in higher education institutions. The government subsidies allowed for this to occur. -
Truman Commission
Established community colleges nationwide. -
Korean War breaks out
The Korean War breaks out, which is the first major global war of the Cold War. Many individuals attending higher education institutions participate. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
The ruling came out that the racial segregation of schools was completely unconstitutional. -
Civil Rights Act
Ended public segregation across the US. This became a major step in bringing equal opportunities in the US higher education system -
Higher Education Act
This act provided more legal resources for the public school system, and allowed the resources to expand. -
title ix of the Education Amendments Act 1972
This bill prohibited discrimination based on one's gender. This is important as it paved a way for men and women to receive equal education in higher education settings. -
This act gives the right for parents to have access to their children's academic records, further expanding transparency in the education system. -
Department of Education comes into existence
The creation of this department further legitimized the federal involvement in higher education, which included federal funding and etc. -
Founding of American with Disabilities Act
This act provides provisions for those with disabilities and protects them from discrimination.