Produccion de energia de donde proviene y como se produce la energia

Technological advances in energy

  • Steam engine

     Steam engine
    In the 19th century, the steam engine allowed the development of transportation; where it occurred in the industrial revolution allowing greater circulation of people to different places, such as the transportation of goods, developing new engines to enhance the better use of mechanical structures.
  • Thermal solar panels

    Thermal solar panels
    These panels combine photovoltaic and thermal technologies in a single module. Conventionally, photovoltaic panels and thermal panels are installed separately, but with this new technology a single panel is installed, thus producing electricity and heat simultaneously.
  • Fractionation towers

    Fractionation towers
    A fractionation column contains small plates distributed along its length, so that the small amounts of liquid found in each of them, during the distillation process, contain mixtures increasingly enriched in the most volatile liquid.
  • Biogas

    Biogas technology has advanced significantly in recent years. Systems have been developed to capture and use biogas generated in landfills and waste treatment plants, allowing its use as a source of energy.
  • Oil

    One of the most significant advances in the oil and gas industry is the digitalization and automation of various processes. Digitalization enables real-time monitoring and analysis of production data, enabling proactive maintenance and optimization of operations.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    The first light bulbs were incandescent with a carbon filament; Then halogen bulbs were manufactured, which consisted of a tungsten wire covered with halogen material; Later, fluorescent lamps were invented, which were a glass tube with tungsten filaments inside.
  • Lon batteries

    Lon batteries
    Lithium-ion batteries are devices designed to store electrical energy whose electrolyte is a lithium salt that provides the ions necessary for the electrochemical reaction of the cathode and anode.
  • Nuclear reactor

    Nuclear reactor
    Over two days, experts discussed new nuclear energy technologies and how innovations such as artificial intelligence, robotics and 3D printing can advance nuclear energy, and how reactors can be used for applications beyond electricity, providing heat for industrial processes or fresh water through nuclear desalination.
  • Cold nuclear fusion

    Cold nuclear fusion
    American scientists have made a breakthrough in nuclear fusion by producing more energy from a nuclear reaction than was used to generate it. This is known as "ignition" and could herald the era of nuclear fusion energy.
  • Blockchain

    Retail companies use blockchain technology to track the movement of goods between suppliers and buyers. For example, Amazon Retail has filed a patent for a distributed ledger technology system that will use blockchain technology to verify that all goods sold on the platform are authentic.