Scramble for Africa

  • Liberia Founded

    The colony Liberia was founded by freed black slaves.
  • Africa was Mapped

    Europe successfully mapped out most of Africa, especially to the northwest.
  • Suez Canal was Finished

    The Suez Canal, an influential new route of travel, was finished.
  • Period: to

    New Imperialism Period

    This period is categorized as the expansion of Europe to other parts of the world. In this time, the major powers of Europe acquired and colonized multiple territories and colonies throughout Africa and other continents. Several European powers laid conflicting claims on several territories throughout Africa, which eventually caused World War 1 and the end of this period. The later half of this period saw a transition from the militaristic imperial control over colonies to more direct rule.
  • Berlin Conference of 1884-85

    The Berlin Conference of 1884-85 was used to control the colonial acquisition of African territories. The conference was called for by the first chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismark. The outcome of this meeting, known as the General Act of the Berlin Conference, was quite astounding. To solve conflicting territorial claims, the countries of Europe literally divided the whole continent of Africa between themselves, making borders that lacked any significance culturally, or ethnically.
  • Cameroons, Togoland, and South West Africa were Conquered

    Germany declared its control and acquisition of these three territories.
  • French West Africa Founded

    France founded French West Africa.
  • Boer Wars

    These wars led to the British acquisition and control of the Boer States, owned by Dutch farmers that migrated there during the 1650s and onward. The Boer States comprised of the South African Republic, the Orange Free State, and a few more African territories.
  • 90% Colonized

    By this point, 90% of all of the land in Africa has been colonized and was under European control.
  • French Equatorial Africa was Founded

    France founded French Equatorial Africa.
  • Morocco was Conquered

    Morocco was divided up among Spain and France.
  • Libya was Conquered

    Italy gained control over Lybia.
  • Egypt was Conquered

    Britain finally gained control over Egypt, ending the colonial division of Africa. Every country in Africa except for Ethiopia and Liberia were under European rule.