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The Life of Scout McKinley

  • Scout Begins to Explore

    Scout Begins to Explore
    Scout is a curious and happy 11 month old girl. She loves playing trains and looking at books. Every so often she looks to see where her mom or dad are to make sure she is safe and secure. Her parents dote on her and she has everything she needs to learn and succeed. In Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is that trust will develop if the infant receives love and reliable care, otherwise the infant will learn fear and mistrust towards others and lack confidence.
  • Scout Is a Student

    Scout Is a Student
    Scout is learning how to read, write, add, and subtract numbers. Her teacher encourages her at school and her parents are always ready to help with her homework to help maintain Scout's enthusiasm to learn. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is between whether or not a child is encouraged in order to feel confident and industrious versus not encouraged and restricted causing the child to feel inferior, unsuccessful, and doubt their ability to achieve goals.
  • Scout Gets Engaged

    Scout Gets Engaged
    Scout dated her long time boyfriend through most of college and even though she was nervous, she knew the next step would be marriage. After 4 years and a few breakups, her boyfriend proposed on the chair left on their favorite ski mountain. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is for young adults to take the plunge into a committed relationship for love, otherwise, they may end up alone and isolated if they are not willing to risk being vulnerable or intimate.
  • Scout Looks Back On Her Life

    Scout Looks Back On Her Life
    Scout is sitting in front of the Christmas tree surrounded by all of her family, including her 2 great grandchildren. She is taking a quiet moment to reflect on her life and as the room erupts in laughter, she decides that she has no regrets and accepts her great accomplishments. In Erikson's eighth stage, ego integrity vs despair, the crisis would be someone seeing their life as successful and accepts all the good and bad versus one that has regrets or guilt over the past and develops despair.