Scottsboro Boys Timeline

By fjahmad
  • 9 black men get in a fight on a train to Scottsboro

    9 black men get in a fight on a train to Scottsboro
    An American Tradegy The Scottsboro Boys TrialOn March 5th, 1931 9 African Americans on a train get in a fight with a couple of white men. The blacks throw the white men off the train. The train gets stopped by the police and they end up getting arrested. There were also two girls, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates, on the train who claimed they were raped by the black men.
  • Whites angered all over Alabama

    Whites angered all over Alabama
    A crowd gathers outside of Jackson County Jail, the jail the black boys were being held at, screaming that the boys should be lynched. There were over 300 people who were standing outside the jail. They stayed until it was night because it was too cold for them.
  • The 9 boys get indicted

    The 9 boys get indicted
    On March 30, 1931 the 9 boys get indicted which does not mean you are guilty of the crime, it just means the grand jury thinks theres enough evidence to prove you aren't inoocent. After getting indicted another trial must take place to prove if you actually are guilty or innocent.
  • The trials begin

    The trials against the Scottsboro boys start.
  • NAACP leaves the case

    NAACP leaves the case
    NAACP, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, drops out of the case.
  • Ruby Bates was not raped

    Ruby Bates was not raped
    Ruby Bates, one of the girls who said the 9 boys raped her, writes a letter to her boyfriend in which she explains she was not raped.
  • Ruby Bates denies being raped in court

    Ruby Bates appears in court in one of the trials to testify for the boys. She explains how she never was raped and how Victoria had just made it up.
  • Haywood Patterson sentenced to death

    Haywood Patterson sentenced to death
    On April 9th, 1933 Haywood Patterson is found guilty and is supposed to die on the electric chair.
  • Thousands protest against the Scottsboro Trials

    Thousands protest against the Scottsboro Trials
    Thousands in Washington march to protest against the Scottsboro trials taking place in Alabama.
  • Ozie Powell shot in head

    Ozie Powell shot in head
    While being transported to Birmingham Prison, Ozie Powell attacks two guards with a pocket knife because they were threataning him. One of the officers pulled out his gun and shot Powell in the head causing permanant brain damage.
  • Four of the boys get out of jail

    Four of the boys get out of jail
    Willie Roberson, Olen Montgomery, Eugune Williams, Roy Wright have all charges against them dropped and get out of jail. They spent four years in jail.
  • Ozie Powell pleads guilty

    On July 27th, 1937 Ozie Powell pleads guilty in court which reduces his sentence to 20 years. Later the charges against him are dropped
  • Haywood Patterson dies

    ON August 24th, 1952 Haywood Patterson dies in jail from cancer
  • The last Scottsboro Boy dies.

    The last Scottsboro Boy dies.
    Clarence Norris was the last surviving of the Scottsboro boys and ended up passing away on January 23rd, 1989 at age 76
  • Scottsboro Boys Finally Found Innocent

    Robert Bentley signs a legislation which states the Scottsboro boys are innocent.