Scottsboro Boys

  • Arrested at a Train Station

    Arrested at a Train Station
    Nine African American boys are arrested after getting off a train in Paint Rock, Alabama for defending themselves against a group of seven White males and two white females. They were charged with raping the two women.
  • Scottsboro Boys Almost Lynched

    Scottsboro Boys Almost Lynched
    The Nine boys weer nearly lynched by a crowd of over 100 people who gathered outside the jail the boys were being held in.
  • There will be a Trial

    There will be a Trial
    The grand jury indicts (approves the trial) of the Scottboro boys for rape
  • Scottsboro Boys go to Court

    Scottsboro Boys go to Court
    Clarence Norris, Charlie Weems, Haywood Patterson, Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright are tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. When Roy Wright was tried the result was a mistrial because the jury ruled death sentence while the prosecutors asked for life imprisonment.
  • Executions Put Off

    Executions Put Off
    The executions of the boys are stayed pending appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court.
  • Ruby Bates Denies the Charges

    Ruby Bates Denies the Charges
    Ruby Bates, one of the girls on the train, sends a letter to Earl Streetman. In the letter, she denies that she was raped.
  • Haywood Found Guilty

    Haywood Found Guilty
    Haywood Patterson is found guilty and is sentenced to death in the electric chair.
  • Protestors Outside Washington

    Protestors Outside Washington
    In one of many protests around the nation, thousands of protestors gather in Washington, marching against the Alabama trials.
  • Trial under a new judge

    Trial under a new judge
    The cases of the nine boys were removed from Judge Horton's jurisdiction and transferred to Judge William Callahan.
  • Haywood Convicted for the 4th Time

    Haywood Convicted for the 4th Time
    Haywood Patterson is convicted of rape for the fourth time (not the 4th offense just the 4th court to convict him) and a sentenced to 75 years in prison.
  • Ozzie Powell Shot

    Ozzie Powell Shot
    Ozzie powell is shot in the head by sheriff Jay Sandlin while he was attacking Deputy Edgar Blalock. Miraculously, he survived.
  • Haywood Patterson's Coviction Upheld

    Haywood Patterson's Coviction Upheld
    Haywood Patterson's conviction is upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court.
  • Charges Dropped

    Charges Dropped
    The charges were dropped against Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery, and Willie Roberson and they were released
  • Supreme Court Denies to Review Convictions

    Supreme Court Denies to Review Convictions
    The U.S. Supreme Court denies to review the convictions of Patterson and Norris.
  • Clarence Norris' Sentence Reduced

    Clarence Norris' Sentence Reduced
    The death sentence of Clarence Norris is reduced to life in prison.