Scottsboro boys

  • train

    Two girls also looking for jobs hopped on a train and headed for scottsboro with the nine african american boys and the five white men.
  • searching

    9 black kids headed to scottsboro looking for a job.
  • train

    They are on the train with five white men and two white women.
  • fight

    One of the white men stepps on the black kids hand and a fight broke out. The black kids won and threw the men off the train. when they arrived in scottsboro the police were waiting there to arrest them. the two women accused the kids of rape.
  • mobs

    Huntsville Alabama a mob broke out because of the arrest of nine african americans and riot.
  • Jail

    Boys were put into jail and were accused of rape.
  • locked up

    locked up
    Boys were sent and locked up in the alabama jail.
  • no verdict

    Announced that they could not agree on a verdict.
  • jail

    Condemed negros riot in the alabama jail.
  • riots

    Black people are killed or injured when they are rioting.
  • sentenced

    Sentenced to death in Berlin except for one because he is too young.
  • verdict

    overturned the verdict.
  • trials

    Verdict for the trials.
  • trial

    The first trial for the scottsboro boys.
  • march

    Marched for supporting the boys.