The First Conviction
The first conviction of the Scottsboro Boys is very important to the whole trial of the Scottsboro Boys because its how it all started. If they had never been accused of this in first place they would never have happened in the first place. -
The Fight
The real start of the whole Scottsboro Boys started when they threw some white passengers off the train. The white men told the police and it all continued from there. -
Real Hatred
The trial of Roy Wright shows just how much hatred toward them that they would push for a punishment worse than the prosecution pushed for. -
The Scottsboro Boys being sentenced to death was a second push in the trail process. This sentenced was so obsurd that when it got to the north the got mad and began to protest which made this a big case. -
Time In Jail
The Scottsboro time in jail reveals the brutality of prison in south because in jail they had to hear the death of Willie Stokes. -
Communism FTW
The Communism Party of America uses the Scottsboro boys to show there advantage to put them on a national level. -
Ruby Bates sends letter to a Earl Streetman, denies that she was raped. This demonstrates the corrupt-style of the south and the innocence of the boys. -
A Fighting Chance
The ILD get superstar lawyer Samuel S. Leibowitz to defend to boys giving them a chance that they didn't get before to defend themselves. -
A New Trial
Judge Horton gives them a new trial. This shows that their is a new chance for survival in this racist enviroment. -
The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court makes a monumental decision to overturn the ruling since no African Americans had sat on their jury in any trial. -
The creation of the Scottsboro Defense Committee demonstrates an act of equality by the people of Scottsboro to give people in court a chance to defend themselves. -
Better Than Death
This is significant because its the first time the jury has ruled something other than death. -
Four of the Scottsboro boys haved their charges dropped and they are set free. -
A Step Closer
Clarie Weems is paroled putting this whole crime a step closer to full justice. -
The Last
The Last surviving Scottsboro Boy, Clarence Norris dies. This shows the physical end of the Scottsboro Boys trial but, not the emotional end.