Scott Fitzgerald's life

  • Scott Fitzgerald's birth

    Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th 1896 in St. Paul Minnesota. To his parents Edward and Molly Fitzgerald.
  • Fitzgerald's schooling

    Fitzgerald's schooling
    Scott Fitzgerald was apart of from Princeton University class of 1917. However he did not do well in school, so he wasn't there for very long.
  • Fitzgerald joins the Army

    Fitzgerald joins the Army
    After Fitzgerald got put on academic probation, he joined the army in 1917.
  • Fitzgerald’s first book

    Right after Fitzgerald joined the army he wrote his first book called “The Romantic Egotist”. Which ended up getting rejected by Charles Scribners Sons.
  • Fitzgerald’s future partner

    In 1918 Fitzgerald got assignment to Camp Sheridan in Alabama where he meet Zelda Sayer. Who would later become his wife.
  • Fitzgerald’s discharge

    Fitzgerald was discharged from the Army in 1919.
  • Fitzgerald’s Rewrite.

    Fitzgerald’s Rewrite.
    Fitzgerald left his job and went back to his hometown (St. Paul) to rewrite his story to become “The side of Paradise”. Which is based off of the life of someone named Amory Blaine. This book was accepted by the editor Maxwell Perkins.
  • Fitzgerald’s wife

    Only a week after his novel “This side of Paradise” was published he married Zelda Sayre in New York.
  • Fitzgerald’s Son

    Fitzgerald’s Son
    About a year after Fitzgerald was married his wife gave birth to their only son Francis Scott Fitzgerald in St. Paul Minnesota.
  • Fitzgerald’s Play

    The Fitzgerald family moved to Great Neck Long Island because Fitzgerald needed to be near Broadway for his play “The Vegetable”. However his play failed, so he had to write a lot of short story’s not to be in debt.
  • Writing of “The Great Gatsby”

    Writing of “The Great Gatsby”
    The Fitzgerald family went to France in 1924 where Fitzgerald wrote “ The Great Gatsby” which he edited in Rome between 1924 through 1925.
  • Fitzgerald’s fourth Novel

    Back in America after caring for his wife, Fitzgerald had enough money and time to write his fourth book “Tender is the The Night”. Which was mostly likely based off of Zelda and Fitzgerald’s relationship.
  • Fitzgerald as a Screenwriter

    Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood by himself in the summer of 1937 to work with MGM. Until the next year where he wet to work for Esquire as a freelance script writer.
  • Fitzgerald’s last Works

    He started writing his book “The love of the last Tycoon”. He only ended up writing about half of it.
  • Fitzgerald’s Death

    Fitzgerald died suddenly from a heart attack in December of 1940.