1999 BCE
Scottish parliament
The Scottish parliament was reestablished in 1999. -
1719 BCE
In the years 1707, 1719 and 1745 there were some uprisings against the English dominations. These uprisings suported Jacob Stuart but after the defeat some Scottish lost their properties. -
1707 BCE
Great Britain
In 1707, thanks to the Act of Union, it was from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Scotland lost her parliament. -
1603 BCE
A new king
In 1603 the queen Isabel dies and The Crown goes to Jacob VI in this way, England and Scotland became two different nations with the same King. -
1297 BCE
Wallace resistance
At the end of the 13th century the English monarchy interfere in the internal quarrels of Scotland and tries to dominate the country.
Finally, William Wallace defeats the English in 1297 but the tensions between the Scots and the English continue. -
840 BCE
The beginning of Scotland
The kingdom of Scotland was formed in 840 by the union of some Celtic Irish clans with the “pictos”, old inhabitants of the region.