Scotch Tape

  • Fahrenheit

    the mercury thermometer with a standardized scale, was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) in 1714.
  • Hairspray

    The concept of an aerosol spray originated as early as 1790, when self pressurized carbonated beverages were introduced in France.
  • Washing Machine

    Washing Machine
    The earliest washing "machine" was the scrub board invented in 1797. American, James King patented the first washing machine to use a drum in 1851, the drum made King's machine resemble a modern machine, however it was still hand powered.
  • Marshmallows

    Marshmallow candy originated in ancient Egypt, n 1948, Alex Doumak, a marshmallow manufacturer, began experimenting with different methods of marshmallow maki
  • Kaleidoscope

    The kaleidoscope was invented in 1816 by Scottish scientist, Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), a mathematician and physicist noted for his various contributions to the field of optics.
  • Umbrella

    The basic umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago.
    The first all umbrella shop was called "James Smith and Sons". The shop opened in 1830
    Starting in the 16th century the umbrella became popular to the western world, especially in the rainy weather of northern Europe.
  • Gatling Gun

    Gatling Gun
    In 1861, Doctor Richard Gatling patented the Gatling Gun, a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a (then) phenomenal 200 rounds per minute.
  • Electric Chair

    Electric Chair
    During the 1880's two developments set the stage for the invention of the electric chair. The Edison General Electric Company founded by Thomas Edison.
  • q-Tip

    A Polish Man, Leo Gerstenzang invented the Q-tip, Cotton swabs under the brand name of Q-Tips were invented in 1923
  • Scotch Tape

    Scotch Tape
    Scotch tape was invented in 1930 by banjo playing 3M engineer Richard Drew. Scotch tape was the world's first transparent adhesive tape. Richard Drew also invented the first masking tape in 1925, a two-inch-wide tan paper tape with a pressure sensitive adhesive backing.
  • Windsurfing

    In 1948, twenty-year old man, Newman Darby first conceived of using a handheld sail and mounted on a universal joint, to control a small catamaran.
  • Remote Control

    Remote Control
    In June, 1956 an remote control was first entered an american home, invented by Zenith Radio Corraporation
  • Seat Belts

    Seat Belts
    A man had a issue of not having seat belts, so Swedish inventor, Nils Bohlin invented the sealt belt in 1959
  • Tazer

    Jack Cover, invented the tazer. The police weapon that subdues its targets with jolts of electricity
  • Cabbage Patch Kids

    Cabbage Patch Kids
    In 1976, Xavier Roberts invented 'Little Person' dolls, the first Cabbage Patch Kids. Roberts was a teenager when he started the Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, Georgia, where people could adopt a baby (the hand sewn dolls were never called dolls) complete with adoption papers