Dmitri Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk, Siberia
Dmitri graduates from Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg as a science teacher
Maria Sklowdowska on November 7 in Warsaw, Poland.
She later changes her name to Marie. -
Dmitri devises the periodic table of elements
He was inspired by the game solitaire & organized the elements using cards. He went on for 3 days and nights organizing the cards in various sequences until he noticed some gaps in the order of atomic mass. He also had a dream where he saw the table written out and when he awoke wrote it down. He left spaces for elements and predicted them. When they were discovered, his predictions were so accurate that it led to the acceptance his periodic table of elements. -
Marie moves to Paris to study at the Sorbonne
Marie becomes the first woman to get a physics degree from the Sorbonne
Marie marries Pierre Curie
Marie announces the discovery of radium & polonium
Marie shares the Nobel Prize in physics with Pierre Curie and Antionie Henri Becquerel
Marie received her doctorate degree in physics.
She was the first PhD awarded to a woman in France -
Marie became the first female professor in the Sorbonne's history.
Pierre Curie dies
Dmitri dies of influenza in St. Petersburg
Marie receives her second Nobel Prize, but in chemistry
Marie provides mobile x-rays service for wounded soldiers in WWI
Marie dies of Leukemia
Element 96 was named "curium" in honor of Marie and Pierre's work