Period: to
Atomic Theory
Isaac Newton
Stated his belief in the atomic nature of elements -
John Dalton
proposed an atoomic theory with spherical solid atoms based upon measurable quantities of mass. He also developed the law of multiple proportions. -
Amadeo Avogrado
Stated that equal volumes of gases, under identical conditions, have the same number of molecules. -
J.J Thomson
Discoved that cathode rays consist of electrons. He built a cathode ray tube to to test the rays in a magnetic field and an electric field. -
Max Planck
Suggests that radiation comes in discrete amounts. -
Robert Millikan
He was the first to obtain an accurate measurement of an electron's charge. He did this by conducting the oil drop experiment -
Neils Bohr
Constructs a theory of atomic structure bassed on atomic ideas. -
Lord Rutherford
Predicted the existence of the Neutron. -
Arthur Compton
Confirms that protons are particles by discovering the quantum nature of x-rays. -
Erwin Schroedinger
developes wave mechanics. This describes the behavior of quantum systems for bosons. -
Werner Heisenberg
Makes the uncertainty principle which is "The more you know about a particles energy, the less you know about the time of the energy, and vice versa. " -
Walter Bothe
Found the first evidence of the neutron. -
Paul Dirac
Discovers the antiparticle "positron". He says that they are exactly like electrons but positively charged. -
Michael Faraday
Mike studied the effect of electricity on solutions and developed the laws of electrolysis -
James Chadwick
Found out that the neutron had no charge and had the same mass as the proton.