Scientific Revolution Timeline

  • 1200

    Renaissance - A time of curiosity, question, and inquiry.

    Renaissance - A time of curiosity, question, and inquiry.
    From the 1200s until well into the 1500s citizens of the world believed magic is the way explanation for the way our world works. This was the old way of thinking, this old way of thinking also relied on magic, religious teachings, ancient beliefs, and works of Greeks and Romans.
  • Period: 1200 to

    Scientific Revolution Timeline

  • 1535

    Leonard Fuchs - Produced a guide to collecting medical plants.

    Leonard Fuchs - Produced a guide to collecting medical plants.
    This changes the way people thought about the world because if people think magic potions are what heal someone in pain, they need to understand that the new way of thinking shows, there is a more logical way to heal one. Also being able to find the plants can bring together scientists who are willing to experiment, finding and innovating a type of medicine to help those in need of it.
  • 1543

    Anatomy - The circulation of blood, components of body, and how it works together. Leonardo Da Vinci, Andreas Vesalius, and William Harvey were the individuals who showed us the way our bodies worked.

    Anatomy - The circulation of blood, components of body, and how it works together.  Leonardo Da Vinci, Andreas Vesalius, and William Harvey were the individuals who showed us the way our bodies worked.
    This is so important because our bodies are something everyone should know about, you should know how your body is working and if you need to stop doing something or if you need to start doing something depending on your body’s needs. Harvey studied blood circulation using experiments, Vesalius illustrated a book on human anatomy, and Da Vinci expressed concepts in his notebooks holding inventions, observations, and theories of anatomy.
  • 1550

    Scientific Revolution - A new way of thinking, science, math, experiments.

    Scientific Revolution - A new way of thinking, science, math, experiments.
    Roger Bacon, philosopher, scholar, and monk, favored a system of scientific experimentation. He was pretty much the founder of science. The beginning of the scientific revolution made people start to question old beliefs(magic, religion, etc) to form new ways to prove these understandings.
  • 1575

    Gottfried Liebnitz and Isaac Newton - Though the two did not work together, they each developed the branch of mathematics, calculus.

    Gottfried Liebnitz and Isaac Newton - Though the two did not work together, they each developed the branch of mathematics, calculus.
    Calculus is used in physics, engineering, economics, statistics, and medicine. Essentially this means, these two individuals not only developed calculus, but all of these concepts as well! We use these in everyday life and calculus better helps us prove the theories of these concepts. So thanks to these gentlemen, we are able to learn, get jobs, and get a better understanding of the world around us because of calculus.
  • 1580

    Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek - Uses microscope to discover bacteria.

    Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek - Uses microscope to discover bacteria.
    Leeuwenhoek’s studies showed a whole range of tiny life forms never seen before by the human eye. He also wrote about his discoveries allowing us to share this with him. This allows us to understand these life forms and in some cases it helps us, doctors, scientist, and surgeons to prevent a disease growing in one. If we can use the study of bacteria to better understand why one may be suffering, we may be able to find cures and save many lives.
  • Astronomy - A study of stars, planets, and other bodies in the sky. Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Claudius Ptolemy, and Johannes Kepler are European scientists who helped shape and put focus into astronomy in the scientific revolution.

    Astronomy - A study of stars, planets, and other bodies in the sky.  Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Claudius Ptolemy, and Johannes Kepler are European scientists who helped shape and put focus into astronomy in the scientific revolution.
    Ptolemy's theory was called the Geocentric Theory, this theory says the Earth is the center of the universe with the planets, sun, etc revolving around it. Copernicus comes up with the Heliocentric Theory, saying the sun is the center of the universe, proving Ptolemy wrong. Kepler uses models and math to further prove the Heliocentric Theory and Galileo builds a telescope to further prove Heliocentric Theory.
  • Francis Bacon - Developed scientific theories through observation.

    Francis Bacon - Developed scientific theories through observation.
    He believed no scientific theories could be trusted unless proven by repeatable experiments. He was an author to a book that outlined this new system of knowledge. Relating this to our world, I think of biology labs. Using experiments that are repeated, helps us better understand new material in biology and it helps us learn from it. Without a lab experiment for me to really see the data and reflect from that, I would not be able to understand the concept of biology without this.
  • René Descartes - A leader of the scientific Revolution.

    René Descartes - A leader of the scientific Revolution.
    He proved by fact mathematics, the sciences, and philosophy. He felt no assumptions should be accepted without question, this basically shuts down the way people thought during the renaissance. This shapes everything we know today and how we are able to support, backup, and provide evidence to a theory or fact about the way we live.
  • Evangelista Torricelli - Invented the barometer. This physicist and mathematician took part in some change in making the scientific revolution into something great.

    Evangelista Torricelli - Invented the barometer.  This physicist and mathematician took part in some change in making the scientific revolution into something great.
    This is because we used the barometer and still do until this day. It helps weatherman to give us the forecast and it helps us to know when there is a big storm, etc. This shapes the revolution because when any individual innovates and invents, people can build of that idea and make it even greater.
  • Robert Boyle - Studied and pioneered the modern science of chemistry.

    Robert Boyle - Studied and pioneered the modern science of chemistry.
    Boyle studied the composition of matter and how it changes, he showed that temperature and pressure affect the space that a gas occupies. The methods and principles of chemistry can be applied to the study of medicine, allowing doctors to heal. This also helps us to understand how certain substances react when mixed with one another, allowing us to innovate and create.
  • Giovanni Alfonso Borelli - The foremost thinking on human mechanics.

    Giovanni Alfonso Borelli - The foremost thinking on human mechanics.
    Borelli wrote a novel, On The Motion of Animals, and it was widely recognized as the early triumph to the application of mechanics to the human organism. This is significant because it helps us learn about what we do and what is going on with our bodies, as well as, starting off some research to fellow scientists. Other scientists could keep going with this study and innovate even more than we already know.
  • Physics - Law of universal gravitation, which states all bodies attract each other.

    Physics - Law of universal gravitation, which states all bodies attract each other.
    Isaac Newton proved the laws of gravity using mathematical measurements. This challenged and changed the way people thought about the world because if they thought things happened because of magic and didn’t have any way to prove it, these laws proved by measurements showed there is a reason things happen. It shaped the way people saw things, it introduced them to science.
  • Joseph Priestley - Discovered the element of oxygen.

    Joseph Priestley - Discovered the element of oxygen.
    Priestley made this discovery when he obtained a colorless gas by heating red mercuric. This discovery is important because we breath oxygen to get cellular energy and if we did not know how it really worked, if someone had a breathing problem, we may not be able to help, but with this power of knowledge and science being able to give us answers, many lives can be saved.
  • ntoine Lavoisier - Discovered the Law of Conservation of Matter.

    ntoine Lavoisier - Discovered the Law of Conservation of Matter.
    Lavoisier showed fire resulted when a substance rapidly combined with oxygen. He also showed that steam mixes with air and becomes invisible. Lavoisier proved that matter can change in form, but it can not be destroyed or created. This changes the old way of thinking because it can make you more aware of chemical reactions.