Jan 1, 1543
Andreas Vesalius Published a Book.
Vesalius published a book based on his what he discovered about the anatomy of the human body. The book was called "On the Fabric of the Human Body." It included many detailed drawings of the m body and its components. -
Jan 1, 1543
Andreas Vesalius Performs Dissection Himself
Vesalius, performed dissections himself in a medical facility at Padua. At the time this was odd because, usually the teachers or professor would have a lower level surgeon perform the dissection while the teacher explained what was happening. By doing the dissections himself, Vesalius says he discovered a huge amount of errors in the ancient medical authority Galen's work on the anatomy. -
Analytical Trigonometry is Invented.
Francios Viete invented a analytical trigonometry. This was and still is essential to the study of physics and astronomy. -
Galileo Demonstrates the Properties of Gravity.
Galileo Gailei proved the Aristotelian system wrong. Galilea discovered that the rate of fall of an object is dependent upon its weight. -
Johannes Kepler Proved his Theory.
Kepler proved Copernicus's heliocentric theory to be correct and published his own laws of planetary motion. -
Francis Bacon Developed a New System
Bacon proposed a new system in which all things are tested through careful scientific experiments rather than being assumed. This became known as the scientific method. -
Galileo Galilei Published his Findings.
Galileo published his observations about how not every heavenly body revolves around earth. -
John Locke Initiates British Empiricism
Locke initiated British empiricism, which is also known as a philosophical position. Locke said that you must rely on empirical investigation, vs Descartes's theory that you must rely on rational reconstruction. -
Geometry is Published.
Rene Descartes publishes his work about how motion can be represented as a curve along a graph, defined by its relation to planes and references called Geometry. -
The Barometer is Invented.
Evangelista Torricelli invents the barometer. The barometer was an invention that measures air pressure. This invention proved that air has weight. -
The Air Pump is Invented.
Otto von Guericke demonstrated the properties of a vacuum by using his air pump to take the air from his Magdeberg hemispheres. -
Robert Boyle Discovery:
Robert Boyle proves that temperature and pressure both effect the space that a gas occupies. -
Isaac Newton Published his Findings.
Newton published a book about how planets revolve around the sun. In this book he also proposed some ideas of how the planets revolve around the sun. He explained the laws of motion and the mathematical means of measuring that motion. -
A New Element is Discovered.
Joseph Priestley discovers a new element which is later named oxygen by a French scientist named Antoine Lavoisier. Lavoisier also showed that fire is not an element but it results when a substance rapidly combines with oxygen. -
Michael Faraday creates the electric motor.
Faraday created the electric motor and learns about electromagnetic induction. He also discovered electrolysis and describes the conservation of energy law.