Scientific revolution timeline

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    Copernicus began to he was the first to abandon ptmoleys theory.He was the one who said that the Sun was the center of the universe and it changed the way people thought about it and changed there mind about Ptmoleys theory about how the Earth was the center of the universe.In conclusion he came up with new knowledge that changed the thinking of people about space and the universe
  • 1543


    They helped the way people saw the human bod and changed the way people used and saw it.And he made it so people had a very better understanding of how it worked.
  • 1543


    The illustrations that Vesalius gave where amazingly detailed and made it so people saw the human body so much better.He made it so people saw he human body better an showed how it worked by illustration.
  • Galileo

    He said that "You could see the heavens".In conclusion he changed the way people could see space and changed the way you saw astronomy.He made a huge impact on the way people saw space and he could prove the stuff what he said with the new invention he made
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon only believed through observation.Nothing could be proven without proof.He relied on truths would not belie anything without proof.He changed the way people believed theory he made it so they had to show proof to be true.
  • Kepler

    Kepler and Galileo changed the way people saw space by making a telescope and by making the telescope he found evidence that could prove his theory.He said that "You could see the heavens".In conclusion he changed the way people could see space and changed the way you saw astronomy.
  • Descartes

    Developed Philology by his own He mad it so that assumptions people made had to proven with evidence.He built a method and many ways to make people prove there evidence.At the end he changed the way people could believe peoples theory they had to show evidence of the claim they made.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    He helped pioneer the modern science chemistry.Boyle showed that temperature and pressure affected the space that gas occupies.This shows that as the years went on peoples theories gt better and they showed proof about there theories and changed the way people saw the science world.
  • Newton

    Newton added a lot of new knowledge had a huge impact on the scientific world.He explained the laws of motion.After many experiments newton holds planet in orbit.Newton changed the way people saw with his theory's changed the science world and how people saw the science world.
  • Priestley and Lavoisier

    Priestley and Lavoisier
    By the time they made there discoveries they scientific world spread across Europe and many people exchanged there knowledge to get better knowledge and discover many more things and increase the level of the peoples learning and make them more scientifically smarter and changed the way people saw the science world.
  • Antoine Lavioser

    Antoine Lavioser
    He Named the element of oxygen and changed what the people believed in because be used to think that fire was an element.He showed that fire resulted when a substance rapidly combined with oxygen he also explained that steam mixes with the air to become invisible.He developed much knowledge of what other people found and changed the way people thought about elements and made people knowledge change.