Feb 19, 1473
Copernicus was born
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus discovers New World
Jan 1, 1507
Copernicus' "Commentariolus" begins to circulate
Jan 1, 1542
Publication of "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" - helicocentric theory of Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus
Jan 1, 1546
Death of Copernicus
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe born
Feb 15, 1564
Galileu Born
May 16, 1571
Johannes Kepler born
Rene Descartes born
Giordano Bruno burned at stake for hersey
He was proponent of Copernicus, among many others. -
Tycho Brahe Collaboration
1600-1601 -
Brahe Dies
Kepler Publishes "Astronomia Nova" (contains his 1st and 2nd law)
Galileo's inventions and discoveries with Telescope (The Starry Messenger)
Galileu publishes "Letters on Sunspots"
Copernicus' book banned until 'corrected'
Thirty Years War breaks out
Kepler Publishes "Harmonice Mundi" (contains his 3rd law)
Galileo Publishes "Dialogues Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World" and it's immediately banned
Galieo's Trial
Galileo publishes "Two New Sciences" (Laws of Motion)
Isaac Newton is born
Galileo Dies
Descartes dies
Newton announces his Theory of Colors to the Royal Society
Newton publishes "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
Netwond dies