1662 BCE
More on Science
Robert Boyle, helped the modern science of chemistry. He showed that temperature and pressure affect space gas. He even said that fire is an element. Fire resulted when a substance rapidly combined with oxygen. Steam mixes with air and become invisible. -
1600 BCE
Math and Science
Copernicus had no proof on his side but Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei did. Kepler was brilliant at math and he said that most of Copernicus' theory was wrong. Galilei was the person to invent the telescope. He could see mountains and valleys of the moon. He even learned more on the rings on Saturn, spots on the sun, and the moons circling Jupiter. -
1600 BCE
More on Science
In 1687, Isaac Newton posted a book on Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. The 3 men show that planets revolve around the sun. He then realized the force that holds our planets causes objects to land on earth attract. Newton did explain the laws of motion. Today its applied in the development from automobile seat belts to to space travel. -
1600 BCE
New Science
Scientists believed the scientific method gave out a map that could easily be in the search for knowledge. Rene Descartes a former leader of the scientific revolution had ideas that led to excellent advances for Math, Science, and Philology. He stated that assumptions had to be proven for facts. He studied Geometry and algebra, the scientific method, astronomy, and physic sciences. -
1500 BCE
Astronomy, Physics, and Anatomy
Astronomer Ptolemy said, "Earth is the center of our universe." Our sun and our planets move around earth. This is also known as th Geocentric or Earth-centered Theory. Back in the early 1500s, Nicolaus Copernicus started to abandon the Ptolemy's geocentric theory. He then realized his theory had a lot to do with the facts about Germany. -
1200 BCE
Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon was a scientist before the Renaissance. He favored scientific experimentation. He didn't work on ancient beliefs and religious ideas.