1687 BCE
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica is published by Newton
1687 BCE
Isaac Newton Publishes Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica
1638 BCE
Two New Sciences are published
1633 BCE
Trial of Galileo
1632 BCE
Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World published by Galieo
1618 BCE
Johannes Kepler Reveals His Third and Final Law of Planetary Motion
1613 BCE
Kepler publishes Harmonice Mundi
1610 BCE
Galileo publishes Starry Messanger
1609 BCE
Galileo's telescope
1609 BCE
Kepler publishes Astronomia Nova
1591 BCE
Galileo Galilei Demonstrates the Properties of Gravity
1584 BCE
Giordano Bruno Publishes The Ash-Wednesday Supper, On Cause, Principle, and Unity, and On the Infinite Universe and Its Worlds
1571 BCE
Johannes Kepler is born
1543 BCE
Publication of "The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres by Copernicus"
1543 BCE
Nicolas Copernicus Publishes