Scientific Revolution

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Roger Bacon

    People wanted him to prove why the old beliefs were real. Roger Bacon was an influential person in this time and he was one of the first people to try and answer questions rather than just have faith the the beliefs are real. He wanted to find out the truth.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Alchemists are magicians and well into the 1500s, Europeans didn't see much of a difference between science and magic. These people were said to be philosophers 2,000 years before.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Many people believed that every planet revolved around the earth. This was called the 'geocentric/earth centered theory'. Nicolas Copernicus studied this and found that the sun is the center and everything revolves around that and not the earth. This was called the 'heliocentric or sun centered theory'.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    New Science

    Science appeared in countries like Rome, England, and France. The printing press helped scientists because journals were made so scientists could see what studies were happening in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1543


    Andrew Vesalius was a scientist, he refused to accept the description of human tissue and muscles that was published by Galen 400 years before. Vesalius studied on his own about how the body was put together. in 1543 he wrote a book called 'On The Fabric of The Human Body' this book was 7 volumes long.
  • Jan 1, 1543


    William Harvey was and English physician. He and Vesalius worked together. Harvey studied the movement of blood in the body and how in goes through the veins and arteries. He also studied the heart.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Three new areas of study

    Astronomy is the study of stars, planets and other areas of space. Physics is all about the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion. Last,study of anatomy, this is all about living bodies and organisms.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    The New tools of Nature

    Scientists examined the world around them and saw that everything that they thought did not connect to their beliefs. Three new tools were made, called scientific instruments, mathematics, and experiments. These were made to find out more about the world. This was the beginning of the science revolution. Doing experiments was the main thing scientists did to learn more. They did experiments over again to make sure they had the same data. This is called the scientific method.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Proving the Sun-centered theory

    Copernicus couldn't prove the theory himself so an Italian Scientist helped him prove it. Eventually the theory was proved correct. After this Copernicus started to study space and then he invented the telescope because he was so interested.
  • The meaning of science over time

    The meaning of science to us in this time period is the activity of studying the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observations and experiments. This definition is way more specific then the one they had in the 1600's. They said science was "to know".
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist. He lived in about the same time period as Descartes. He believed that theory could only come through observation. He relied on truth. IN 1620 he wrote the book 'Novum Organum', this book talked about new knowledge.
  • Galileo

    Galileo wrote a book in 1632 about his findings. Scholars didn't believe his findings. Some people thought that his theory went against the Bible. Scholars that study physics also don't believe it. Galileo ended up proving his theory right that all objects fall at the same rate because there isn't friction in the air to slow them down.
  • Descartes

    Rene Descartes was a French philosopher and a mathematician. He was a great leader during the Science revolution. In 1637 he developed philosophy based on his own reasoning. He thought that all assumptions had to be proven or known facts. He did many studies, some are algebra, geometry, and the scientific method of astronomy.
  • Newton

    In 1687, Isaac Newton, an English scientist, wrote a book that showed that all planets revolved around the sun. Since he wasn't able to prove it at first, most people didn't believe him. After doing many experiments, he found out that the same force that makes objects fall on earth, is the same forcet hat makes planets stay in orbit.
  • Other Descoveries (1500's - late 1700's)

    -1500's-1600's discoveries were made in Europe.
    -Germon Gotfried Liebnitz and English thinker Issac Newton developed calculus, a branch of mathematics. They did not come up with this idea together, they both had ideas and worked interdependent from each other.
    -1662 Boyle found that temperature and pressure affects the space that gas occupies.
    -1774 English chemist Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen. Later on French scientist Antoine Lavoisier named it.