Scientific Revolution

  • Jan 1, 1507

    Copernicus's Commentariolus begins to be circulated

  • Jan 1, 1542

    Publication of the On The Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres

  • Jan 1, 1545

    Counsil of Trent. Counter-reformation begins

  • Kepler-Brahe collaboration

  • Kepler publishes Astronomy Nova ( contains his 1st and 2nd laws)

  • Galileo's discoveries with the telescope. The Starry Messenger

  • Galileo publishes Letters on Sunspots

  • Copernicus's book banned until corrected

  • Thirty Years War breaks out

  • Kepler publishes Harmonice Mundi (contains his 3rd law)

  • Galileo publishes Dialogues Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World, and it's immediately banned

  • Trial of Galileo

  • Galileo published ideas on physicics, astronomy,etc

  • Plagued closed Newtons university and was forced to go home to his family

  • Newton announces his theory of Colors to the Royal Society

  • Newton publishes Philosopiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

  • Newton publised theories about gravity