Scientific Revolution

  • Jan 1, 1500


    Astrologers: believed stars and the sky influenced human life.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Roger Bacon

    Once Roger Bacon came along he wanted to figure out how they could explain all these things he wanted proof.
    In this time Roger was a influence philosopher.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Alchemists: were people who used magic to explain things in the world.
  • The new study of nature

    The new study of nature was mainly conducting new experiments to learn new things. The people made new tools like barometer, the microscope, the air pump, and the thermometer, and these tools were made to make the experiments more precis. All these new experiments started to create the scientific method.
  • Johannes Kepler

    This man was a brilliant mathematician and he was the one who used all the tools and models to figure out if Copernicus's theory was correct. At first he confused a little but some of the things were wrong and he fixed it up in the correct way. This new theory got published as a law of planetary motion in 1609. This scientist had actually proved that Copernicus's theory was right.
  • Other Scientific dicsoveries

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek used a microscope and discovered bacteria and he called them animalcules and he wrote about them and the all the tiny life forms that were never seen by the human eye.
  • Other Scientific discoveries

    German Gottfriend Kiebnitz and Isaac Newton created new branches of mathematics.
  • Astronomy

    Astronomy was the study of stars, planets, and other things in the sky. At first Ptolemy strategy was that the earth is the center of the universe and all the planets and the sun went around the earth. But soon Copernicus began abandoning Ptolemy's theory. Copernicus argued that the sun was really the center of the universe and the other plants went around the sun. Copernicus figured out that his new theory explained all the then-known facts about astronomy and his new study got published in 154
  • Galileo Galilei

    This man saw that the telescope shows whats really in the sky and he realized that he could make a telescope that showed more. Galileo did find more he found out the way the moon had mountains and valleys and he also found out how the moons move around other earths and he saw the rings around Saturn. Galileo drew the things he saw and got his findings published in 1632.
  • Rene Descartes

    This person was the one who led to great advances in mathematics, sciences, and philosophy. Discourse on Method is when Descartes stated that all assumptions should be proved with known facts. This person had created a method of questioning that helped prove the question. He kept studying and found out geometry, algebra, the scientific method, astronomy, and physical sciences. When he forced to live in Protestant Kingdom of Sweden and he died there in 1650.
  • Robert Boyle

    This person "helped to pioneer the modern science of chemistry." In 1662 he showed temperature and a pressure affect the space that gas occupies.
  • Francis Bacon

    Bacon believed that things can only be proved in a physical way instead of a thinking way so he thought opposite of Descartes. In 1620 he published Novum Organum the book to show the new system of knowledge.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    When everyone thought fire was an element Lavoisier had figured out that it really was oxygen missing with something rapidly. He also showed that when steam mixes with air it becomes visible.