Nov 21, 1543
Thery of the Earth, Planets, and the Sun
In 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus pulished his idea that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Instead he said that all the planets orbited around the sun. -
Invention of the Themometer
In 1593 the first ever themometer was invented by a man named Galileo Galilei. As the temperature changes the water in the glass bulb moves up or down. -
Invention of Compound Microscope
In 1595 Zacharias Janssen invented the Compund Microscope. It was the first Microscope that had more than one lens.This microscope had a 3 to 9 times power of magnification. -
New method for grinding and polishing telescope lens
Christian Huygens was the one who invented this method. With the new telescope he could see Saturns rings also he saw Titan. Titan is the biggest moon on Saturn. -
Invention of the First Reflecting Telescope.
James Gregory was the one who invented the Reflecting Telescope in 1663.One of the other things he did was publish a description of his invention in Optica Promota. -
The Mercury Barometer
Today we use two kinds of Barometers. We use the Mercury Barometer and the flulidess Barometer. A barometer is a weather instruament that measures air pressure. Back in the seventeenth century the first Mercury Barometer was invented by a man Evangelista Torricelli. Evangelsita was born in 1608 and died in 1647. He was also a Italtian Physiciat. -
The Reflecting Telescope
In !669 Issac Newton Built his first Reflecting Telescope. Today his telescope is known as Newtonian. Issac Newton was born on January 4 1643. -
Three laws of motion
The first law is that every object will stay at rest unless a force is applied to it. The second law is that The second law is that acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The third law is that For every action there is a equal and oppisite reaction.