Crucial events of 19th and 20th century

  • Period: to

    De 1800 a 1900

  • Cyrus W.Field laid the first telegraph cable across the atlantic

    Cyrus W.Field laid the first telegraph cable across the atlantic
    16 August of 1858 the first message was sent across the atlantic by telegraph cable. The transmission marked the culmination of 19 years of dream plans and political systems of both the UK and the USA . Field took Gisborne's idea that the east coast cable could be extended across the Atlantic to Britain and set making it happen . He consulted Morse on the technical requirements as well as a noted oceanographer named Matthew Maury.
  • Charles Darwin publishes "On the origin of Species"

    Charles Darwin publishes "On the origin of Species"
    It is a work of scientific literature published in England by Charles Darwin it is important because it is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology, also introduced the scientific theory that population envolve over the course of generations through the process of natural selection.
  • Marx publishes the first volume of the capital

    Marx publishes the first volume of the capital
    It was written by German philosopher Karl Marx, Das capital is essentially a description of how the capitalist system works and how Marx claim it will destroy itself. He was financially supported by Engels. The ideas contained in Das capital inspired revolutions in Russia, China and many other countries around the world in the 20th century it was also a powerful influence over many labour party and the trade union movement.
  • Suez canal

    Suez canal
    The Suez canal was opened in 1869. Ferdinand de lesseps with the egyptian viceroy where in charge of the project. In 1875 Britain purchased Egypt's shares in the canal. Seven years later Britain invaded and occupied the country following a nationalist uprising. This event was so important because enables a more direct route for shipping between Europe and Asia effectively allowing for passage from the North Atlantic and to the Indian ocean.
  • Alexander graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander graham Bell invents the telephone
    Alexander graham Bell was scottish scientist , he invented the first working telephone. It turns out that other scientists had similar ideas. Bell had to race to patent office in order to get his patent in first. He was first and as a result Bell and his investors had a valuable patent that would change the world.
  • Thomas edison tests his first light bulb

    Thomas edison tests his first light bulb
    In 1878 Thomas Edison began serious research into developing a practical incandescent lamp and October Edison filed his first patent. This discovery marked the beginning of commerically manufactured light bulbs.
  • Karl Benz produced the first car with internal combustión engine

    Karl Benz produced the first car with internal combustión engine
    In 1885 a german mechanical engineer called Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. A year later Benz patented the motor car, known as motowagen. It was the first modern automobile . This event was vital so that today we can get to know the car as it is.
  • The Berlín conference

    The Berlín conference
    In 1885 the leaders of 14 european countries and the USA came toguether to discuss the control of Africa's resources know as the Berlín Conference. The conference was organized by Otto van Bismarck , the first chancellor of Germany. This conference contributed to ushering in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers which eliminated most existing forms of African Autonomy
  • Marconi transmitted wireless across the english channel

    Marconi transmitted wireless across the english channel
    In 1896 in england Marconi lodged the first wireless telegraphy patent finally in 1899 Marconi transmitted across the english channel from France to England. Wireless telegraphy has succeeded in being widely recognised as an essential means of modern communication and was used in many wars and in the post war years.
  • Orville wright piloted the first airplane

    Orville wright piloted the first airplane
    Near north Carolina orville and wilbur wright make the first successful flight in history which lasted 12 seconds. They were the first people to demostrate sustained flight of a heavier than air machine under the complete control of a pilot. This activement ignited the world's passion for flying and the U.S army see potencial in the new technology so they signed a contract with the wright brothers for the purchase of the machine
  • Roald amundsen and his Team become the first people to stand at the south pole

    Roald amundsen and his Team become the first people to stand at the south pole
    On december 1911 , norwegian Explorer Roald amundsen and his team become the first humans to reach the geographic south pole. A month later the British explorer Robert Falcon and his Team