Love Canal
Summary description: in the late 50s about 100 homes and schools were built at the sites and in the 1978 they built a chemical dumpsite which made the place hard to live in so some of the families there were evacuated another 46 had found temporary housing and in total 221 families had moved out or agreed to be moved -
Minamata disaster
Summary description: Minamata disease is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning, it was caused by a chemical that was dumped in the water and the people ate fish and shellfish which had the poison. The company was fined 86million -
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Published
Summary description: Rachel Carson was an America marine biologist and writer. She wrote a book called the silent spring which was unprecedented share of the American people although the book was met with fierce opposition by chemical companies that was spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy which led to a nationwide ban -
Stockholm Conference
Summary description: A conference that focused on international environmental issues and laid the foundation for global environmental governance. That was necessity for humanity to safeguard them -
Endangered Species Act
Summary description: it’s a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats species include birds, insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, crustaceans, flowers, grasses, and trees -
Bhopal disaster
Summary description: over 500,000 people in small towns around the plant were exposed to the highly toxic gas the estimates very on the death toll the number of immediate deaths being 2,259 -
Chernobyl meltdown
Summary description: the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation. The Chernobyl power station was situated at the settlement of 10 miles northwest from the city of Chernobyl -
Montreal Protocol
Summary description: effective burden sharing and solution proposals mitigating regional conflicts of interest. There was also a regulation already being installed before overall public opinion was possible imminent risks -
Kyoto protocol
Summary description: global warming is occurring and that human made co2 emissions are driving it the Kyoto protocol Japan with from protocol effective to the global warming -
Documentary film An Inconvenient Truth released
Summary description: multimedia presentation of former U.S. vice president it behind global warming with elements