Unit 2: The Atom

  • 440 BCE


    Democraticus proposes the Theory of the Atomos.
  • Theory of the Atom Reproposed

    John Dalton develops his atomic theory,
  • Creation of the Periodic Table

    Dimitri Mendeleev creates the first periodic table.
  • Electron Discovery

    J.J. Thomson discovers the electron.
  • Einstein's Famous Equation

    Albert Einstein develops his theory about the relationship between mass and energy in his famous equation E=mc^2.
  • Gold Foil Experiment

    Rutherford discovers the nucleus of an atom.
  • Bohr Model Proposed

    Niels Bohr establishes the nuclear model of the atom.
  • Proton Discovery

    Rutherford discovers the proton.
  • Fusion in Stars

    The English physicist Arthur Stanley Eddington suggests that stars obtain their energy by fusing hydrogen into helium.
  • Electron Cloud Model Proposed

    The Electron Cloud Model of the atom is proposed.
  • Neutron Discovery

    Sir James Chadwick discovers the neutron.
  • Fission Theory

    The Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard theorizes about using neutrons to create a fission chain reaction.
  • Nazi Nuclear Plan Warning

    Einstein gives FDR a letter warning him of Nazi nuclear plans.
  • Quark Theorized

    The Quark was theorized.
  • First Nuclear Fusion

    The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor demonstrated fusion at 510 million degrees Celsius.