
  • 422


    Greek philosopher who was the devoplorer of the atomic theory of the entire universe his atomic theory predictied the modern principles of the conservation of energy and the irreducibility of matter.
  • Period: 422 to

    Time Span of the Atom

  • 500

    Devolped a Theory

    Devolped a Theory
    That all Metals are made Mercury and Sulphur and that we are able to change base metals into Gold.
  • Crookes

    Sir William Crookes constructed this forerunner of the modern television picture tube in the 1870s to investigate the properties of cathode rays.
  • Becquerel

    Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X rays by observing the fluorescence they produced.
  • The Curies

    Pierre Curie and his wife Marie Curie stated that radioactive materials cause atoms to break down spontaneously, releasing radiation in the form of energy and subatomic particles.
  • Einstien

    Einstein was known as the creator of the special and general theories of relativity and for his intelligent hypothesis concerning the particle nature of light.