The locomotive
Was invented by Richard Trevithick. It was used to transport products and people from one place to another -
The anesthesia.
The anesthesia was invented by William T.G. Morton. It is used to relax a part of the body and if they have to do a operation, will be easier to do it. -
The sew machine
Was invented by Elias Howe. It is used to sew up things quicker than by hand. -
The clinic thermometer
Was invented by Thomas Clifford Allbutt. It is used to know the body temperature and if it's ill, the tempeature will be hight. -
The light bulb
Was invented by Thomas Edison. It is used to iluminate dark sites that the natural light can't get in. -
The pill of soap
Was invented by William Hesketh Lever. It is used in the shower to clean up your bodu y and to keep the hygine. -
The car
Was invented by Karl Benz. It is used to transport a little amount of people, for example 4 or 5, from one place to another. -
The aspirin
Wa invented by Felix Hoffman. It is used to kill the headache or the stomach ache.