• A skirt-supporting corset

    A skirt-supporting corset
    By: Catherine Griswold. The purpose of these clothes was to make women feel more comfortable when dressing, thanks to this, the dresses that they had to wear almost by obligation were more manageable.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    By: Alexander Graham Bell. This allowed people to communicate more quickly and efficiently without having to wait weeks for a message to reach the other person.
  • The antibiotics

    The antibiotics
    By: Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Thanks to this medical advance many people could be saved from various diseases although this was improved with the discovery of penicillin in 1928.
  • The bulb

    The bulb
    By: Thomas Edison. The light bulb was a magnificent advance, thanks to this we can have light in any house, street, city...
  • A improved life raft

    A improved life raft
    By: Maria Beasley. This invention helped to reduce the number of lives lost at sea as people were able to get out of the sinking ship in this way.
  • The television

    The television
    By: Paul Nipkow. Television allowed society to be informed about what was going on in the world.
  • The dishwasher

    The dishwasher
    By: Josephine Cochrane. This invention helped in the daily tasks of the women of that time and was a great advance.
  • The windshield wipers

     The windshield wipers
    By: Mary Anderson. This advance completely improved driving as people were able to drive more safely, especially on rainy days.
  • The airplane

    The airplane
    By: The Wright Brothers. From this moment on people are able to reach almost anywhere in the world much faster.
  • The coffee machine

    The coffee machine
    By: Melitta Bentz. Thanks to this we can drink coffee as we know it today.