Science and Tech of 1901-1920 Daz and Antione

By singhg
  • The interpretation of dreams

    Freud's book on dreams was published.
  • Radiowaves

    radiowaves were discovered as a source of communication
  • Quantam Nature

    Quantam Nature
    Planck discovers first quantam nature of energy
  • Sheet glass drawing machine

    Irving W. Colburn patents this.
  • Multigraph duplicating machine

    Harry Gammeter patented it.
  • Airplane Patent

    Wright Brothers obtain patent for the airplane
  • Ice Cream Cone

    Ice Cream Cone
    Italo Marchiony granted patent for Ice Cream Cone.
  • First Flight

    Wright Brothers flew for 12 seconds at Kittyhawk, NC.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    1st steam engine to exceed 100mph
  • Special Theory

    Special Theory
    Einstein publishes special theory.
  • Elara

    a satelite of Jupiter is found by Perrine.
  • First Animated Cartoon

  • electrical vacuum tube

    Dr. Lee De Forest shows of f his electrical tube.
  • Radiometric dating

    radiometric dating finds that earth is 2.2 billion years old.
  • Color Photography

    Color Photography began but was not use very often.
  • H Kamer Lingh Onnes

    make liquid heilum (-269 degrees Celius)
  • First Dutch Railway

    used in Rotterdam the hague.
  • Quantum theory of Light

    Albert Einstein presents his quantum theory of light.
  • Tests first Us army plane

    Flys for 1 hour and 12 mins.
  • Military Plane

    Wright Brothers deliever 1st military airplane.
  • Halley's Comet

    Halley's Comet
    Halley's Comet makes its first appearance.
  • Syphilis Cure

    Syphilis Cure
    Ehlrich finds cure for Syphilis.
  • Thermosetting Plastic

    Thermosetting Plastic
    Leo Bae Keland patents the 1st thermosetting plastic.
  • Crime Lab

    Police Crime Labs are created.
  • First Tricycle Landing Gear

    installed to the army's wright flyer.
  • Electric Washing Machine

    Alva Fisher patents electric washing.
  • Marie Curie

    Won a nobel prize for chemistry.
  • High pressure mercury lamps

  • X-rays

    Wilhelm Roeltigen dicovers X-rays.
  • Self-starter for Cars

    First electric self-starter for automobiles.
  • Titanic Sinking

    Titanic Sinking
    Sank said to be one of the strongest ships ever built.
  • Continental Drift

    Continental Drift
    Wegener proposes idea of continental drift
  • Zipper

    The Zipper was perfected by Gideon Sundback,
  • Atomic Structure

    Atomic Structure
    Rutherford and Bohr describe atomic structure
  • Air conditioner

    patented by W H Carrier.
  • Liquid-Fuel Rocket

    Liquid-Fuel Rocket
    1st patent for Liquid-Fuel Rocket
  • Traffic Light

    Traffic Light
    The first traffic light installed on Eucild Ave Cleveland.
  • Gas Mask

    Gas Mask
    Garrett Morgan invents and patents gas mask.
  • Telescribe

    Invented by Thomas Edison to record telephone conversations.
  • TransAtlantic radio-telophone

    The first TransAtlantic telephone call is made
  • General Theory of Relavitity

    Announces on this day.
  • Neon Lights

    Neon Lights
    1st seen.
  • Medical School

    U.S school of Avintion Medicine is founded.
  • Daylight Saving

    Daylight saving time was introduced
  • Shortwave radio

    Shortwave radio
    Shortwave radio is invented
  • Pop Toaster

    Pop Toaster
    Charles Strite files patent for the pop toaster.
  • Rad Corporations of America

    (RCA) created
  • Armored Car

    Armored Car
    First Commercial Armored Car.
  • Radio Compass

    Used for first time navigation.
  • Commerical Radio

    Commerical Radio
    First Commericial Radio Broadcast.