Mar 28, 1581
• William Gilbert
scientific method -
• Galileo Galilei
improvements to the telescope -
• Christiaan Huygens
Centrifugal force -
• Edme Mariotte
measured pressure of water flowing out of pipe -
• Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
claimed credit for discovering calculus -
• Jakob Bernoulli
Professor of mathematics at the University of Basel- famous four success in using calculus -
• Isaac Newton
gravitational equation -
• Johann Bernoulli
contributed to infinitesimal calculus -
• Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
unveiled the thermometer -
• Nikolaus Bernoulli I
Galileo chair at University of Padua- worked on differential equations and geometry -
• Nikolaus Bernoulli II
contributed to fluid dynamics -
• John Kay
invented flying shuttle -
• Daniel Bernoulli
wrote Hydrodynamics -
• Anders Celsius
designed a simpler temperature scale -
• Pieter van Musschenbroek
invented Leyden Jar -
• Benjamin Franklin
studied electricity -
• Edmund Halley
used newtons equation to figure out a comet was in orbit -
• Joseph Black
discovered latent heat, specific heat and carbon dioxide -
• James Hargreaves
invented machine that could spin eight stands of cotton at once -
• Antoine Lavoisier
used calorimeter, discovered how heat maintained a constant temp. in human body -
• Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier
first to get hot air balloon to fly -
• Charles Augustin Coulomb
discovered the that the force between magnets diminished with the square of their separation -
• Eli Whitney
invented cotton engine -
• Edmund Cartwright
invented power loom -
• Luigi Galvani
animal electricity -
• Gregor Johann Mendel
discovered laws of heredity -
• Alessandro Volta
Volta’s “piles” -
• Robert Fulton
developed first successful steamboat -
• Humphry Davy
famous chemist -
• Julius Robert Mayer
Heat theory #4 -
• Hans Orsted
electric current -
• Charles Lyell
wrote the principles of geology -
• Gustave Gaspard Coriolis
added a factor to vis viva -
• Michael Faraday
electromagnet equation -
• John Herschel
heat powers all forms of life -
• Samuel Finley Morse
Telegraph -
• George Cayley
designed a flying machine that didn’t rely on flapping wings for lift -
• Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius
thermodynamic inequality -
• Ludwig Boltzmann
contributed to statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics -
• Guglielmo Marchese Marconi
invented radio -
• Alexander Graham Bell
invented telephone -
Thomas Clifford Allbutt
invented the small clinical thermometer -
• Thomas Alva Edison
invented the light bulb -
• Albert Michelson and Edward Morley
compared speed of light -
• Orville & Wilbur Wright
Airplane -
• Marie and Pierre Curie
discovered radium and polonium -
• Joseph John Thomson
discovered electrons -
• Albert Einstein
energy equation -
• Nikolai Zhukovsky
worked with airplanes -
• Clyde Tombaugh
found Pluto -
• Frederick Joliot-Curie, Irene Joliot-Curiem, Franz Strassmann and Otto Hahn
split uranium nucleus