276 BCE
276-194 BC, He is most famous for being the first to make a reasonable measurement of the world, he could've been within 1% or may been off by 16% but either way without his knowledge, it would've been a very long time before anyone besides him could have been smart enough to come up with an idea to show us how big the world actually is -
160 BCE
Claudius Ptolemy
He created a portrait of epicycles that were by far the most accurate of his time, He created a foundation for scientists to say their own beliefs. He thought we were the center of the universe but this was actually helpful because scientists now had a platform to speak on their own beliefs. 100 - 160 AD -
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus proposed that not the earth was the center of the universe but the sun was, and also said that Earth's rotation accounted for the rise and setting of the sun. This is important because with his knowledge most likely people would still be saying the Earth is the center of the universe. 1473-1543 -
Tycho Brahe
He devised the most precise instruments available before the invention of the telescope for observing space. This was important because his observations on planetary motion, especially Mars, provided data for later astronomers to construct our present model of the solar system. (1546-1601) -
Johannes Kepler
Kepler defended the idea that planets orbit the sun and also revealed that their paths are not perfect circles. He made descriptions called Kepler's laws. Without this people would've thought that planets orbit in perfect circles and possibly that we are the center of the universe. 1571-1630 -
Sir Isaac Newton
1642-1727, Newton created a set of laws called the 3 laws of motion, he also was one if not the first to make a theory on gravity, without his studies we would still why we don't float or why anything floats to space -
Albert Einstein
1879-1955, His famous equation E = MC squared became the foundation in the development of atomic energy and is a huge reason that nuclear bombs were invented. 1879 - 1955