Starship Magellan's Maiden Voyage
The Starship Magellan's crew is made up of roughly a hundred people of many races and nationalities. Their mission? To see beyond the solar system and go out into the unknown. Throughout their mission they send frequent broadcasts to Earth until finally, the broadcasts are halted abruptly. The Starship can't be found. A great fear of space travel runs through the current generation. Exploration outside of the solar system becomes illegal. -
Colony Break
The oldest colony orbiting Earth, the Luminos I, had been having funding issues with it's upkeep. A large chunk of the Luminos 1 breaks off and the debris hits the small artificial island of Leros. A large amount of the villagers there are killed and the survivors are seperated, either going into space or another place on Earth. -
Kellman's Drop
A 25-year-old genius scientist by the name of Christopher Kellman goes on an illegal expedition into space, telling no one. He comes back on Christmas Day with footage of his expedition past our solar system and new mineral mined from an asteroid that scientists simply call "Kellmanite." -
Kellman Space and the First Expanse
After several small government expeditions into deep space, it's deemed that the area outside of the solar system that Kellman explored is now deemed Kellman Space, and it is now legal to colonize within that area. A second, larger area outside of Kellman's space that is roughly 10 to 15 times the size of our solar system is deemed the First Expanse, and it is now legal for liscensed explorers to go on expeditions within this area. That week, border markers are on the edges of the First Expanse. -
E.D.S.C. Permissions Granted
E.D.S.C., the Explorer's Delivery Supply Catalogue, is given permission by the government to put four large communication sattelites in the First Expanse. E.D.S.C. was a quickly developed large buisness that sells and delivers supplies to those in deep space through self-propellant drone packages. The company was founded in reaction the large youth subculture that began to explore the First Expanse. -
Present Day