School US history timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Discovery of america by cristopher columbus

  • Settlement of jamestown

  • Period: to

    French and indian war

  • Boston tea party

  • The battle of lexington and concord

    Started the revolutionary war
  • The declaration of independance

  • The battle of yorktown

    End of the revolutionary war
  • Period: to

    The constitutional conventions

    The debates and discussions leading to the constitution's creation
  • The invention of the cotton gin

    The invention of the cotton gin is patented
  • The alien Act

    An act concerning aliens (not space ones, foreigners from other countries) was put in place
  • Period: to

    sedition Act timespan

    How long the sedition Act lasted
  • The louisiana purchase

    -The US bought Louisiana for $15 million, which that was in old time cash so it costed more than that
    -We acquired 828k sq. miles of land, expanding westward and doubling in size
  • Period: to

    The war of 1812

    -A war between the US and indiginous people against britian and spain (although spain did not do much)
    -We lost, Britain defended the colonies.
  • The missouri compromise

    -A compromise to balance slave and non-slave states in the US, by making slavery banned above the 36degree 30' latitude line.
  • Andrew Jackson's election

  • Period: to

    The trail of tears

    -The slow "Cleaning" of all indigenous north American tribes from US territory. was pretty slow and gradual
  • The panic of 1837

    -Banks ran out of gold and silver, then the economy crashed
  • The invention of the telegraph

    -First message with telegraphs also sent
  • Period: to

    The mexican-american war

    The US declared war on mexico and took territory
  • The compromise of 1850

    -5 different bills passed by the US congress to settle disputes about slavery in the new territories from the Mexican war
  • Period: to

    The firing on fort sumter

    -First engagement in the civil war, and start of it. Rebels won the first fight.
  • The emancipation proclamtion

    -Declares that all slaves in the rebel states shall be set free
  • Period: to

    The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment

    -All three of these amendments were adopted over time from 1865 to 1870
  • Surrender at appomattox courthouse

    -The end of the civil war when general Robert E. Lee agreed to surrender his army to the union.
  • Abraham lincoln's assassination

  • Andrew Johnson's impeachment

  • The invention of telephones

  • The invention of electric light

  • The organization of standard oil trust

    -The combination of oil companies in the US into one big company
  • Period: to

    homestead strike

    -Two large scale worker strikes that disrupted railways because of no workers and revealed unfair management in their companies
  • Period: to

    The pullman strike

    -Two large scale worker strikes that disrupted railways because of no workers and revealed unfair management in their companies
  • Period: to

    The spainish-american war

    -The US joins the war for Cuba's independence against spain
  • Theodore roosevelt becomes president

  • The invention of airplanes

    -Wilbur and orville wright made the first short flights with air planes